Leadership And Management

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Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management

Compare and contrast leadership and management

Leadership is defined as a process of organizing a group of people in order to achieve a common goal. A leader might or might not have any sort of formal authority. Many students of leadership have given many theories regarding the traits of leadership such as; situational, functional, behavioral, visionary, charismatic, intelligent, and interactive. In simple words a leader is one who guides others (Schein, 1985).

Management is simply defined as the attainment of organizational objectives and goals in order to accomplish their desired objectives and goals, by making use of all the available resources in an efficient manner. Management comprises of staffing, organizing, leading, planning, directing, controlling, and directing an organization consisting of a group of people (Hill, & Jones, 2010).



Individual Qualities

Poignant remoteness

Connoisseur psyche

Effective communication


Imminent in the organization

Maintenance of poignant acquaintances in the organization


Listening and speaking


Self integrity


It focuses on the objects such as;

Fabrication of goods and services in an organization

It is normally based on the positioning of power

Simple as a boss

It focuses on the people and finding out methods for

Motivating and inspiring them

Depends on the individual supremacy

Taking up the role of a facilitator, servant and a coach


Controlling and directing

Creation of boundaries

Staffing and organizing

Reduction of boundaries

Helping the others to grow

Creation of shared cultures and values


Budgeting and planning

Keeping an eye on the bottom line

Creation of strategy and vision

Keeping an eye on the horizon


Preserving solidity

Creating huge changes, changes are often essential

Strategic leadership

Strategic leadership in organization plays an immensely important role in the success of a multinational corporation (Finkelstein, Hambrick, & Cannella, (2009). Following are the steps that are essential for a leader to take for guaranteeing the growth of his organization.

Introduction of change

It is hugely important to bring changes in an organization for its development and goals, because without a ...
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