Law Justice And Society

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Law justice and society

Law justice and society


In the United Kingdom, young black men are facing numerous problems. Keeping in view the current prevailing situation, there are two main questioned to be answered. First of all, the Over representation of young black men in crime justice process and second is intentions of abolitionist, to abolish the criminal justice system in UK.


Cause of over representation of young black men at every stage in the criminal justice process in UK

In the past few years, black men are observed in over representation at every state in the criminal justice process in United Kingdom. These increasing ratios of over representation depict the unjust and undue attitude of crime justice system to the young black people. Some of them which are important discussed below. There are various causes, which are making over representation of dark people in criminal justice court.

Primary cause of overrepresentation is social exclusion

Social exclusion is an essential cause of over representation in youth of black people as both are sufferers and suspects. According to the authentic research report the black community in U.K very much deficient in the social circle which the European community possesses (Wilberforce, 2007). This deficiency is due to faithless treatment by other communities to the black community. It results in making the situation more vulnerable and critical; increasing the strength of black people in the crime justice courts all.

Educational underachievement

Almost all the marginal racial groups in the black community, including black Caribbean heritage is constantly under the national average at all relevant areas. Low level ratio of qualifying the post graduation is observed in the black people community. Education is a basic tool of shaping the conscious of youth, but on the contrary, the blacks faces massive discrimination. The level of academic achievements are also due to lack of respect given to education by the youth of the black community (Peter, 1999) This leftover a significant incongruity, which results in a notable increase in over representation of the perverted youth in criminal justice courts.

Crime as a feasible alternative way to success for some young people

In the present scenario of economic depression in United Kingdom, the youth is seeking alternative ways of getting success. They are not able to recognize the right and wrong in the society. This sort of attitude among youth is instigating the situation more and more vulnerable even the youth of the black community is facing more problems. The deprived black youth is searching alternative ways of earning their livelihood, which is illegal and unethical. This sort of attitude of black youth takes them in the process of crime justice system extensively.

Powerful and negative alternative role models of young black males

Black youth is confronting every day with influential, unconstructive alternative descriptions of black males in well-liked culture. In the deficiency of affirmative role models to turn to, films and video criticized rap, games grime and hip hop music for glamorising violent, unlicensed living style. Music is a form of entertainment which directly or indirectly ...
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