Disparities In The U.S. Justice System

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Disparities in the U.S. justice system


This research paper is based on the disparity in the justice system of United States. The main disparity in the justice system is racial; disparity. This paper analyzes the racial disparity that leads to injustice and unfair behavior of the government and society towards the minority ethnic groups. In addition, the impact of crime rate on the society and Black Americans is also discussed in this paper that is the crime rate increases the unemployment, poor health status, inaccessibility to services, and more increased crime rate. Crime law of 1994 clearly states the penalties on the crime. This paper addresses the war on drugs that America is losing. Moreover, this paper addresses the manifestations of racial disparities. At the end, this paper suggests methods that can reduce the racial disparity such as educating the police and society, recording the data of stopping the pedestrians, etc.

Table of Contents




Crime rate; impact on society and Blacks3

War on drugs4

Crime law of 19945

Manifestations of racial disparities in justice system6

Reducing racial disparities8



Disparities in the U.S. justice system


The society of United States is a multiethnic society in which, numbers of ethnics groups live together to form a multiracial society. The major divisions in the multiracial groups are; white American, black American (African), Asian, Hispanic, and Native American. It is difficult to maintain the justice system in U.S. because of the existence of multiracial society. The U.S. justice system is the unique system in the world that is composed of federal layer and state later. The justice n system of U.S. depends on the law. There are two types of laws that govern the society of United States; federal law and state law. The state law deals with the crimes in the country such as fraud, kidnapping, killing, murdering, hoarding, theft, etc. on the other hand, state law deals with the rules and regulation that govern the day-to-day life of the citizens. In the U.S. justice system, criminal trail and civil trial are the two types of trials. A criminal trial is a trail in which the government accuses an individual for threatening the society or an individual, whereas, civil trial is a trial in which the there are disputes between two parties. Racism is a sinister issue on the American society (Gross et al., 2005).


Disparities in the U.S. justice system

The U.S. justice system is the unique system in the world but it does not treat equally with the citizens' belonging to different ethnic groups. The serious issues are inhering in the U.S. society because of the justice system that is increasing inequality and promoting injustice. The U.S. justice system is based on hypocrisy, unfairness, and barbarism. The foremost factor that leads to the disparity in the U.S. justice system is based on the racial differences that lead the U.S. government, police, and other bodies to regulated injustice behavior, although, the government says that it is eradicating the injustice behavior from the society. It is reported that the Black Americans, ...
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