Law Enforcement And Criminal Justice

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Law enforcement and Criminal Justice


The paper highlights the importance of community policing in the field of law enforcement and criminal justice. It is been observed that people do not feel their selves secure by trusting on the legal police of the country. They require some extra efforts for making them care free from the damage of life by criminal approaches. Therefore, the paper underlines the historical basis of community policing, key elements and its model of theories for the security of citizens.

Law enforcement and Criminal Justice


In the recent years, community policing has gained force as community leaders and police are in search of effective measures to enhance the quality of life in their neighborhoods and to encourage public safety. All major operating authority of policing is assessing the changes in organization, and orientation that will help them to benefit the communities by improving the services with high quality. Community policing covers the range of practical and philosophical approaches, which is still developing swiftly. The strategies depend on the requirement and responses of the involved communities; thus, some definite fundamental considerations and principles are general to all efforts of community policing.


Key elements and impediment to Community Policing

Community policing is a way of changing decision-making rather than a set of specific programs. It creates new traditions within the police departments. It should be noticed that it is an organizational strategy which explains the goals and motives of policing but can be achieved by the means of police and citizens in their neighborhoods. The problem creating thing is that these kinds of hard organizational changes is risky in number of occasions. The key elements of community policing are strengthen the police force and create the new theories and strategies, which can help them to enhance the support to public. It is seen that many departments are trying to adopt community policing that mark small cuts. It includes; shortchanging in training infrastructure, forming a special community policing unit, and making overtime program (Wrobleski& Hess, 2005).

There is a need to glance over the reasons of failing efforts in community policing. The impediment in community policing can reason out certain scenario, which includes resistance by police managers, resistance in the ranks, difficult evaluation and resistance by police unions, interagency cooperation fails, resistance by special units, leadership survival transition or the public can be unresponsive. These frightening hurdles can play the role of stopping the force of ...
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