Law Enforcement

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Barriers for Woman in Law Enforcement

Barriers for Woman in Law Enforcement


Overview of the Issue

Why are women under-represented in law enforcement agencies? This is the foremost inquiry that I searched out to find an response for. There conspicuously is a lack of women that work for law enforcement bureaus round America. According to the National Center for Women in policing there are were only 13.3% of women engaged in law enforcement in 1997. And this number has not increased much since that time. There is conspicuously a difficulty that we as Americans have not been opposite, and it has been getting poorer and poorer over time. There is a gigantic lack of woman that are engaged in law enforcement and there are causes why, but causes we manage not care to aim on as humans beings.

Thesis Statement

The difficulties that we have appeared to overlook for decades and decades and that we should now have to deal with in this day and age. There is a large difficulty that numerous persons have failed to recognize over the years and that difficulty I will present with good study to verify my accurate point.

The Issue

The study that I determined to use to characterise my paper I accept as factual is very good in announcing the book reader of why there is a difficulty and what could confidently be finished to put a halt to such a problem. I utilised numerous distinct learned items that span from numerous distinct online databases that cooperate to give the book reader a very good viewpoint on what the theme is at hand. I believe I decisively accumulated simultaneously the best learned periodical items that I could find that assist give the book reader of the data very good minutia on what the difficulty is at hand. I put large considered into what items I was going to present in the paper and the best items that I considered would assist verify my point. Due to my restraints I completed up utilising only online learned periodical items but at the identical time I manage accept as factual they will be a good direct in assisting by general point.

Literature Review

Used numerous distinct items to assist verify my issue as to why women are under-represented in law enforcement agencies. I utilised the Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice; I furthermore utilised the Public Administration Review which is furthermore an learned journal. I furthermore utilised a publication called Gender, Work and Organization as well as a periodical that is issued by the National Center of Women and Policing. I utilised all these very well renowned publications to arrive up with the best deductions and outcome that I accept as factual I could find they give distinct input to the identical position but at the identical time pertain to the identical subject that I will be covering all through the paper. They blended to give me and the book reader the best insight that I believe any publications could have granted to ...
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