Law Enforcement Technology

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Law Enforcement Technology

Law Enforcement Technology

Law Enforcement Technology


Law Enforcement has changed dramatically over the years in the United States. Our history has progressed from the English law. Many technological advances have helped shape law enforcement today. Also new ways and ideas of policing have influenced the change in law enforcement. Law enforcement has become less corrupt over the years. Women are playing a big role in enforcement. New rules, laws, and procedures have been put in place to help improve or society. The criminal justice system of England in the 18th century seems very different from the view from people that are more familiar with modern institutions. The two most striking ideas is the way the institutions prosecuted the offenders and the range of punishments. Prosecution of almost all criminal offenses was private, usually by the victim. Intermediate punishments for serious offenses were absent. Most people say that in the early years of the century, English courts imposed only two sentences on convicted felons. The perpetrator would either be turned them loose or be hung (Beattie, 20-23).


It is hard to believe how far we have come from the early English law. There have been many dramatic changes since the political era ended. Hard work and determination is the key to success in the criminal justice system. Officers now advance through the rank system in progressive steps. This ensures that those promoted have the necessary background and skills for their new position. By going through the ranks a level of fairness and properly trained officers are hired. It is very rare for one to skip from the patrol unit and become an investigative lieutenant. This differs from years past when a family member or friend was promoted.

Politics have still not completely been abolished from the promotion system, but promotions ...
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