Keep The Border's Open

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Keep the Border's Open


The issue of keeping the border's open has gained a lot of popularity since the last few years. The contemporary worlds of business and of education are decidedly linked with constant globalization which means there is a steady flow of people crossing borders who are culturally diverse. This phenomenon makes mastering the ability to interact with different cultures imperative for succeeding in both business and education; however, adaptation to such diversity is a demanding process. The researcher known as Kim in 2000 discussed cross cultural experiences and said “Companies found that their overseas operations were being hampered because their employees were not effective in coping with unfamiliar social and business practices.

A consequence of globalization is that a great deal of research exists which looks at cultural diversity in business. Cultural dimensions have been defined, cultural differences have been identified, and innovations to address diversity created. Although debates continue about cultural dimensions and cultural differences, few will debate the distressing accounts of cultures impact: Cultural differences can cause problems for businesses, educators, and students. Globalization has also paved the way for a construct called cultural intelligence. There were some researchers who developed a psychometric measure for CQ that can identify individuals who are able to adapt successfully to unfamiliar cultural environments by combining cognitive, meta cognitive, motivational, and behavioral elements. Social skills can be easily transferred across cultures by an individual with a high CQ. The purpose of this research proposal is to highlight the important issues concerning cultural differences across the borders in any region. Cultural dimensions, cultural stereotyping and multicultural education needs to be explored as well. The investigation would be carried out of the additional factors that contribute to effectively teaching in a diverse classroom such as how cultural intelligence (CQ) allows students and instructors to recognize when a teaching or learning situation is different and adapt accordingly. Addressing the urgency for successful border crossings, although acknowledged by many, is still ignored by some institutions and some organizations at a time when the need is more important than ever because of an increasingly mobile and global population. Therefore, all the issues related to the opening of the borders will be discussed in detail.

Statement of Background

It is not known to what extent cultural adaptation is necessary for real learning to take place in a culturally diverse setting. This population of students entering classrooms around the world has led some educators and researchers to advocate for a multicultural perspective that will aid in developing a culturally responsive pedagogy within the educational curriculum and instructor classroom practices. This work has had a variety of labels including culturally appropriate, culturally congruent, culturally responsive and culturally compatible. In the primary, secondary, and tertiary American classrooms, Eurocentric assimilation practices as well as mainstream practices which do not incorporate different ethnic, gender, religious, racial or cultural groups into the curriculum have a long history and are deeply imbedded. According to the researcher, problems found in learning do not always reflect ...
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