Job Market Analysis

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Job Market Analysis

Job Market Analysis

Event Manager

Event Manager is responsible for developing strategies for clients of corporate events and special trips to the organization and conduct in accordance with international standards and individual customer requirements. There are intra-company managers, public relations and event-managers working in agencies. Event management market experiences a catastrophic shortage of professional staff. Some big agencies are opening their own schools, where reading courses in event-management.

There are limited numbers of institutions, which provide education pertaining to event management. The job market for event managers requires experience and qualification, which can meet the needs of the customers such as the music industry. As a result, an event manager need to have the basic knowledge, skills and practices appropriate for the organization of corporate events such as musical concerts (Baskerville 2009, Pp. 493-573). For example, to come to the starting position of assistant to the event-agency and secretarial works to begin with: to ring the contractors of the upcoming event, specify the time of arrival on site, mark deadlines. The compensation and benefits are attractive when it comes to event managers.


The marketers and promoters in the music industry have a significant role in the marketing and promotion of musicians and concerts. Marketers need to develop effective strategies for the successful promotion of events such as launch of a music album or concerts. In addition, the job market related to promoters and marketers in the music industry may be competitive because there are a number of graduates having a degree in marketing. Therefore, candidates need to have experience to gain added advantage and acquire the use of technologies such as social media websites. On the other hand, the remuneration package of marketers and promoters is also attractive along with other incentives (Field 2006, Pp. 267-304).


Artists and musicians need to have the required talent, which is preferred by the public. This plays an important role in determining the success or failure of the artists and musicians. Artists and musicians need to be exceptional with their creative abilities, so that they can develop music compositions, which the audience like to listen. Singers need to have a pleasant voice

Sound Engineer

The audio engineering is the discipline that deals with the study of the phenomenon of sound, in all fields of application thereof, such as recording and production, acoustics, electroacoustics, sound reinforcement (live audio) and the design electroacoustic systems. It also covers a wider field of action in the development of engineering projects, applying technologies that interact with other fields such as electronics, informatics, physics, mathematics and music, and the design and manipulation of systems for recording, signal processing, creation and playback of sound (Zager 2011, Pp. 315-448).

The interest in advancing the fields of Recording and Production, Acoustics and Sound System Design, has grown significantly to national and global example is the growing demand for professionals in this area of ??knowledge:

TV channels. Radio stations and "On Line".

Live Sound

Engineering acoustics,

Recording engineering.

Mastering Engineer

Production of audiovisual ...
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