The country of Canada has a rich background history. Since the arrival of the Paleo Indians, 1000s of years ago to the present day, there have been numerous invaders and rulers of Canada throughout history. This presents the idea that there are numerous beliefs as well as the social hierarchies residing within the country of Canada. However, it is important to note that with the passage, these cultures and the people have decreased considerably. This has been the case mainly due to the initial arrival of the Europeans and their various treaties signed between them and the natives of the land at that particular time. Amongst the various nations to rule over the land of Canada includes the Great Britain, Portugal, France and a few others as well. In addition to that, numerous people from various cultures and ethnic backgrounds had also settled in Canada throughout the course of time.
This also includes the Japanese people as well. It is important to note that with the passage of time, these cultures have managed to fit well within the country, however, some ethnic cultures still face considerable issues which affect their performances within different cultures.
My name is Catherine Suzuki and I currently reside in Canada. I was born and raised in Canada and am a proud citizen of the land. In addition to that, my family has lived here for generations. Initially, my forefathers migrated to Canada from Japan. This was in the year of 1936. At the time, the tensions were really high and there were various issues of racial discrimination faced by the Japanese Canadians. However, things have managed to calm down as time has progressed. As far as the history of Japanese Canadians is concerned, the first individual who was an immigrant from Japan is known to be Manzo Nagano.
Manzo arrived in this land in the year of 1877. At the time, the land of Canada was occupied by the British and it was considered to be the British Columbia. Numerous people were trying to migrate to Canada from all around the world, mainly due to its excessive land and a very little comparative population. It is an extremely important thing to note that by the year of 1914, a number of ten thousand people had already settled in Canada (Oikawa, M. 2012). In addition to that, according to the census of 2006, it was noted that there were around 98900 people living in Canada, who were Canadians by nationality but had a Japanese ancestry. Amongst these people, it is important to note that the majority includes single Japanese Canadians, which contributes to around three percent of the population of Canada. In addition to that, more than ninety percent of the people of our culture reside in the 3 major provinces of the Canada. These 3 provinces included Alberta, which has 14 percent of the overall Japanese Canadian population, Ontario which had thirty five percent people belonging to the Japanese Canadian culture and forty two ...