Issues In Hrm

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Issues in HRM

Issues in HRM


Human resources department is regarded as the heart and blood of the organization. Organizations get paralyzed if their heart and blood does not function properly (Stone, 2008). Smartphone industry was established in 2008, by the leading brand apple. Apple by his proven brilliance is not far behind HTC window phone technology, the company hits a record sale of $500b. Apple has faced immense difficulties in the year 2005 in Human resource department. The company has changed its strategy regarding the issues, but still they are facing some crucial issues in HR department. The major HR issue which Apple is facing, includes; cultural differences, employee commitment and engagement and recruitment and selection policies for expatriates. Apple is one of the top companies of the world in terms of sales and revenue. The company is expanding after every day, as the company is moving towards global Arena it has started facing HR issues. The common HR issue which apple is facing while going to global market is cultural diversity. The company expansion on a global scale is always a significant issue for any organization. Apple is facing cultural issues and its effect on workforce.


Most of the academics still subscribe to the view that globalization is more a work in progress; expanding organization to global boundary is not a bed of roses. Companies face a number of myriad issues while entering in to an International Arena. Lewin and Volberda (2003), believes that very few organizations are able to effectively manage, source and locate Human resources anywhere in the globe. An important implication from the field of human resource department has revealed through case studies the global complexity of the organization. The complexity within each case has been outlined in this section; which examinees' the sequence and range of activity surrounding for the development of International function resourcing. This investigation is based on analyzing the HR issues while entering in to global market. Employee hiring program is regarded as the most critical issue while opening operations in the global market. If, the UK based company is planning to open its operation in Asia it will face numerous cultural issues. The most vital challenge for the organization is to balance a mix of local and foreign countries officials.

Human resource department has to right on the spot while selecting local employees. The major consideration before hiring local employee includes cultural similarity and the competent skills of the employees. If, the local candidate does not match company standards he will be confidently rejected by the company. Two major issues while selecting the workforce in International boundary includes critical local employee screening and policies for expatriates. Company has to establish extensive policies for expatriates. Employee do not prefer to work in third world countries, it becomes highly difficult for HR team to attract employees by offering optimal remuneration plans.

The management of Human resource in global location posts a number of diverse issues for HR ...
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