Investigating Report

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Investigating Report

Investigating Report


Adobe is one of the leading companies in marketing and digital media solutions. The technological products and services offered by Adobe enable the customers to develop a digital content, employ it all the marketing devices and media in order to become successful in the market. It enables the organisations to spread its content on newspaper, televisions and other mediums to inform the people about their existence in the market. Adobe helps in flashing the content on the screens so that it can cater the biggest audience of television across the board. It is the source of help for the professionals who want to promote their content in the media and different other channels. The report will take into consideration different factors like demographic factor, technological factor, globalization and etc. in order to find out the impact of these factors on Adobe and how will the human resource within the organisation address the changes occurring performance of Adobe. It will also draw some recommendations on the basis of the research about the relation between the changes in Adobe and how human resource will address these issues.


Adobe is a tool for agencies and the organisation to use the features of Adobe in order to develop content for marketing across all the channels and mediums of informing people about the product or the services. The use of Adobe has changed the experiences of the world and has become a source of entertainment between the seller and its customers. It enables the organisation to develop a powerful and a beautiful content with the help of the videos, apps and images to attract the customers and promote the product of the organisation. The interactive content available in print, online and tablets has enabled organisations like Sony, US Banks and etc. to bring enhancement in their sales in a multi-channel and a globalized world. Many of the marketers believe that today people are more influenced by the visual effects therefore by using the upgraded system of adobe and the new features of web design, art, mobile apps and etc. can bring enhancement in the present content available on different media channels. Adobe is a USA based organisation founded by Charles Gesckhe and John Warnock in 1982. The company went through the period of reforming in 1997 to overcome the weaknesses found in the earlier organisation. The company is listed on the Stock Market of US Nasdaq by the name of ADBE. The company today has more than 10000 employees all over the world and half of the revenue generated by Adobe is coming from the other countries in the world. The company has recently acquired some companies like Macromedia in 2005, Omniture in 2009, Day software 2010 and Efficient Frontier in 2012. The company has a hierarchical structure and highly qualified people are working from lower to the upper level of the organisation.

Adobe has a wide range of product family that is helping the professionals all over the world to present better and better ...
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