Introduction To Nursing Care

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Introduction to Nursing Care

Introduction to Nursing Care


Caring is a feeling state involving physical, emotional and spiritual aspects, however, when practiced in an organization it acquires more structured dimensions. Even so, it is an individualized sense of duty and purpose influencing actions, thoughts and emotional relating. In the semichaotic rationally dominated community of an organization, subordinated friendship and passion makes sense of the world.

Case Study

Mr. Smith has also been diagnosed with Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH), which is the enlargement of the prostate, caused by an overgrowth of the prostate cells. The treatment package Mr. Smith was prescribed included referral to a consultant psychiatrist. This was towards reducing or controlling his level of stress and anxiety. Besides, Mr. Smith was prescribed a whole list of medication to deal with his various problems. This proved to be very stressing for both the patient and his wife. The reached a decision to attend hospital as an outpatient on a regular basis. After being referred to the hospital by his G.P, Mr. Smith was seen by a consultant and was short-listed for admission in the ward the writer was on placement. His admission was for a right partial nephrectomy, removal of part of the right kidney affected by the cancer. In addition, he was set queries for renal malignancy, which meant that he was under observation to verify if the cancerous cells were spreadable and dangerous for the renal system (Petersen, Palmer, 2006, 30).

In the case of Mr. Smith, this was shown in the high stress and anxiety level he developed in addition with the other problems he had he must need a goof nurse who is having wonderful communication and having wide experience of the applications.

The risk factors for cancer vary for both sexes. It is higher for males who bare twice the risk. Cigarette smokers have twice the risk of being prone to cancer than non-smokers. Another important argument is that overweight people have higher risk for some types of diseases, in this case, cancer is applicable and it triples the chances compared to an average weight person. Mr. Smith, unfortunately, is counted in all three cathegories and his chances of developing the cancer have been multiplied to the maximum (Korpela, Seppanen, 2005, 985).

Kidney cancer can be treated at a very early stage but the warning signs have to be reported from the beginning of the arising problem. Those signs are usually, blood in the urine; lump in the area of the kidney; a dull ache or pain in the back or side. Occasional signs include high blood pressure or an abnormal number of red blood cells. Mr. Smith had all three symptoms but never brought it forward as he thought it was trivial and he was too stressed to remember anything in details. The symptoms were evaluated during the process and the disease was spotted from a very early stage (Dzienkowski, 2007, 45).

The detection and diagnosis of pre treatment, even though minimal, is necessary for consideration (Reiner ...
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