Introduction To Hospitality

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Introduction to Hospitality

Introduction to Hospitality


The legislative control that was over the sale of alcohol and how the legislation is implemented has great consequences for the health of people and society. The regulation helps create a social climate and environment in which the people of New Zealand drink and can manage the effects of alcohol related harm. In the year 1989 a sale of liquor act was introduced which gave great changes to the availability of alcohol in how licenses were given and how should it be administered (Chou, 1992).

The regulation of the sale of alcohol was one of the strategies in the health policy of the country that was related to the reduction of harm related to alcohol. In New Zealand, the main of the health ministry was to reduce the alcohol related harm and the high financial and social expenses. The link between alcohol and road accidents, crime, and violence was a reason to the inclusion of observation on alcohol in the prevention of crime and traffic relating hazards (Chou, 1992).


It the current liquor license of New Zealand is considered as a link between the market liberalization based on the act and the goal in the contribution of reducing the effects related to alcohol. Based on the act of 1989 we see that it increased the availability of alcohol. The number of liquor stores throughout New Zealand was twice as more which went from six thousand licenses to almost eleven thousand licenses. This also included superstores sale of wine. Some license were also been operated 24hours a day. The regulation framework was also increased on the local level of administration of licenses and the act which was directed to the encouragement of healthier alcohol environments. A new feature that was included was the requirement of licenses in order ...
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