An Investigation Into The Determinant Of Customers' Preferences And Satisfaction Of The Internet Banking
An Investigation Into The Determinant Of Customers' Preferences And Satisfaction Of The Internet Banking
Survey Instruments
A structured questionnaire will be used to collect the data from the customers of the bank. The questionnaire will be divided into four sections. The first section will focus on consumer preferences, second will put focus on customer satisfaction, third section will focus on customer security and the fourth section will put focus on Internet Banking usage.
Measurement on Consumer Preferences
In order to measure the preferences of the consumer, regarding the use of internet banking, the researcher decide to use the interval scale. The interval scale (partly cardinal scale) is an important scale level in the statistics. It belongs to the metric measurement level, because the values ??of this scale levels quantitatively are represented by numbers. In particular, this also means that differences in rank and distance can be measured between values, i.e., quantitative traits are in their requirements on ordinal or nominal properties also.
Consumer Preferences
Consumers have different preferences or tastes, based on the choice of options in the preferences. It is important to characterize the set of individual preferences so that we can make predictions about the behavior refutable. We must make certain assumptions about consumer preferences and analyze how consumers choose among various options (Lichtenstein, Slovic, 2006).
This leads to theoretical tools that allow us to study such topics as social benefits for employees. In order to express something scientific about consumer behavior should make assumptions. The assumptions should be specific and relate to the selection of consumer goods. The objects are then selected the services that provide consumer goods. The assumptions that helped us in our study are as follows:
The nature of the goods - The goods and services consumed by the household goods are called generically. We need to think that the goods provide a flow of consumption services per unit of time. The objects of choice are then the services provided by the property, rather than the goods themselves.
Complete information - We think the consumer has full information about everything that relates to their consumption decisions. A consumer knows the entire set of goods and services on the market, knows exactly the technical capacity of each good and service to meet a need. He also knows the exact price of all goods, and knows that these prices do not change as a result of their actions on the market. The consumer knows exactly the magnitude of their income during the time stated.
Theory of Consumer Preference - A consumer unit, either an individual or family, you get satisfaction or utility of the services provided by goods consumed in a given time. In this period, individuals consume a variety of different goods, and we refer to this amount of property other than as a set of goods. To achieve a goal, the consumer unit must be able to order different sets of alternative assets and determine their order of preference ...