Did the end of the Cold War in 1989-91 fundamentally change the nature of international politics?
Did the end of the Cold War in 1989-91 fundamentally change the nature of international politics?
War was one of the key institutions of the practice of international relations, and has always been the focus of the study of international relations. (Biddle, 2004)During the Cold War 1989-91, many observers believe that the nature of war is undergoing fundamental changes, or even, in some parts of the world at least, it is outdated. With the development of economic interdependence, globalisation and the spread of democracy, some groups of states, it seems, is formed by the security community, where the war between them is no longer possible. (Coker, 2001)Elsewhere, however, the war continued to exist, and take several different forms. For some countries, such as the United States, the use of advanced technologies to achieve dramatic victories against conventional armies has led to speculation that the revolution in military affairs is underway. In other parts of the world, however, were characteristic of a war in which non-state actors were outstanding, the military technology used was relatively simple, and atrocities were commonplace. These new wars, it is claimed by many, are a direct result of the globalisation process. (Cohen, 2004)Discussion
British strategic thinker Basil Liddell Hart wrote that "if you want peace, understand war, while the Marxist revolutionary Leon Trotsky said with certainty that" you may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you. "This advice is appropriate in the modern world. Around 14,400 of the war had taken place throughout history, arguing that life is about 3.5 billion people. (Creveld, 1991) From 1815, there were between 224 and 559 wars, depending on the definition of war, which is used. War has not disappeared as a form of social behavior and shows no signs of this, although it is not necessarily an inevitable form of human behavior and seems to have effectively disappeared in some parts of the world. After the end of the Cold War, the annual number of wars, the number of combat deaths and the number of war-related slaughter all dropped sharply in comparison with the Cold War. Between 1989 and 1992, nearly a century of war came to an end, and in terms of combat deaths, 1990 were as violent decades after the Second World War. (Record, 2004) Despite the overall decline in the incidence War, however, many regions are very much present, and it shows some new features compared to the typical Cold War period. (Biddle, 2004)
In today's world there is strong pressure to make changes in the national economy and society. Some of them may be considered taking into account the impact of globalisation, others are the result of the general effects of post-modernity, but their cumulative effect is to achieve significant political and social changes, which in turn is reflected in the changed perception of the nature of the threats from the external ...