International Marketing

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International Marketing

Table of Contents



Market Selection and Final Destination Country4

Environmental Analysis5

Political Analysis5

Economic Analysis6

Social and Cultural Analysis7

Technological Environment7

Legal Environment8


Marketing Mix Strategy8




Product Placement12

Foreign Market Entry Strategy12

International Marketing


Customer satisfaction is fundamental in gaining success in today's competitive environment, where businesses do not have a threat of domestic competition but they also have to overcome the problem of foreign or international market competition. It is difficult to survive in the market with intense competition; therefore, it is necessary for companies to ensure that they are successfully able to meet customer expectations (Consumers International & IIED, 2005). Ever changing customer needs has also made the task of companies even more challenging, thus it is essential for organizations to introduce innovative products for providing their customers with superior experience than their competitors and retain them in the long-run through building brand loyalty (Lanford, 2012).


With rapid globalization and hence increased competition companies devote their efforts in targeting customers not only in the domestic market but also in the international market. Often it is difficult to survive in the industry with intense competition, therefore companies move their operations to other countries to get benefited with the foreign market, they move their business activities to other countries also in search for cheap labor, thus minimizing their cost of production and gaining competitive edge. Another significant objective of moving operations abroad is to increase revenues by selling products in international market (Pant, 2012).

Market Selection and Final Destination Country

Although foreign market might seems to be attractive for the companies, however it is not an easy task to enter these markets and achieve goals of maximizing profits and reducing costs. With emerging international market and increase in demand for coffee overseas, therefore companies are influenced to operate in international markets to gain the advantage of increased revenues. Severin is a German manufacturer for electric home appliances; the company has more than 200 electrical products in its portfolio and recently in the year 2011 Severin has introduced its S2 one touch coffee machine, it is a completely automated machine with one touch technology providing the consumers an effective solution for making coffee quickly. Coffee lovers who wish to invest in bean-to-cup coffee machine are often deterred by the premium price (Dubai Chamber 2012). However Severin S2 one touch is a product that offers all the features of an automatic bean-to-cup coffee machine with outstanding quality and at an affordable price. With increased coffee consumption rate in Middle East has lead foreign companies to operate in UAE market for coffee, coffee consumption in UAE is twice as much as any other GCC states (Khawaja, 2012).

In the last decade coffee consumption in Arab has tripled with a tremendous increase in UAE by 85% witnessed in the last three years (Ammari, 2012). According to the statistics revealed by International Coffee Organization (ICO), approximately 1.4 billion cups of coffee are poured every day with UAE emerging as the fastest growing market for coffee in the world (Khawaja, ...
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