International Marketing

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Table of Contents


International marketing mix2






Internationalisation process theories8

The stage approach9


Innovation-related internationalisation model9

The network approach10

Country of origin11



International Marketing Analysis of Global Solutions plc


Global Solutions plc is a world renowned organisation specialising in technological solutions. It operates on a global scale and has operations in a wide variety of markets. The resounding success of Global Solutions plc as a business unit has been its emphasis on Strategic Alliances. It realised the importance of strategic alliances and involved this concept into their processes (Global Solutions, 2012).

The brand which is chosen for analysis is Energy Technology. It is a booming field in technology. The Energy Technology brand has been implemented in various countries. The success of Energy Technology as a brand has been attributed to the strategic alliances developed by Global Solutions.

International marketing involves one basic agenda. Companies have to decide whether to standardise their services across markets or look to adapt to the market structure. As there are diverse issues involved in every market, therefore organisations pursue international marketing to look for adopting different strategies according to the needs of the market. In order to achieve successful entry into a foreign market, organisations have to look at various aspects. It has been observed that organisations adopting a uniform strategy in all markets have failed to accomplish results (Riefler, 2010).

Through a comprehensive analysis, we have to look at all the various issues surrounding international marketing. It considers various cost aspects as well as market specific issues. International marketing promises fruitful results for organisations. But meticulous planning and implementation goes into it for achieving desired results (Zhang et al, 2011).

International marketing mix

The international marketing mix consists of product, price, place and promotion. Each of them is discussed at length below.


Energy Technology is the brand which has some considerable issues in introducing it to the overseers market. In the context of international marketing, product needs a little amendment according to the customer needs of the fresh market. The All markets do not have a common culture so as a firm they have to adapt according to a specific market. It should be in line with the new culture and demographics so that people do not have a strange feeling. They should have the feeling that it is a local product. Some services need to be customised according to the local customers. The Product needs to be clearly understood to the international marketplace. As the company has the technology being familiar with the current environment, the company should analyse the current market position of the new overseas market. This would help Global solution in designing the product advancement methods. There might be a possibility that the designed technology of Global Solution would not get access in the new market. It completely depends on the analysis being done before the entry to the new market. Energy Technology must need to focuses on designing and defining their product to their new customers, this can be done by highlighting the USP of their ...
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