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The aim of this paper was to analyze the international bilateral relations. Foreign investors are often skeptical toward the quality of the domestic institutions and the enforceability of the law in developing countries. Bilateral investment treaties (BITs) guarantee certain standards of treatment that can be enforced via binding investor-to-state dispute settlement outside the domestic juridical system. Developing countries accept restrictions on their sovereignty in the hope that the protection from political and other risks leads to an increase in foreign direct investment (FDI), which is also the stated purpose of BITs. We provide the first rigorous quantitative evidence that a higher number of BITs raises the FDI that flows to a developing country. This result is very robust to changes in model specification, estimation technique, and sample size. There is also some limited evidence that BITs might function as substitutes for good domestic institutional quality, but this result is not robust to different specifications of institutional quality.Table of Content
Literature Review18
Three issues guiding discussions20
The EU regime: replicating a model of convergence26
Abortive attempts at establishing international rules 1945-present32
Current initiatives36
The prognosis for an international competition regime38
Bilateral agreements42
Building new institutional arrangements for the new millennium48
Economic Linkages Between China And Japan52
The stylized facts of Japanese direct investment and trade in China56
Conceptual framework of the effects of FDI on the bilateral trade59
Trade structure: China and Japan63
The nature of international co-operation68
Types of agreements73
Bilateral agreements73
Multinational agreements74
Multilateral-global agreements81
Analysis and Discussion86
Existing international trade union links88
Global Trade Union Federations88
Bilateral links89
Cross-border mergers90
The Unite the Union/United Steelworkers92
Foreign direct investment and bilateral investment treaties: An international political perspective94
Foreign direct investment and interstate political relations97
Foreign direct investment and bilateral investment treaties99
Bilateral versus multilateral agreements102
Effect of the BITs on investment104
BITs and governance: Why international alternatives may not help108
Chapter I
As globalization becomes increasingly more evident as countries become further integrated with one another, trade agreements have been formed in recent years to ensure trade opportunities can be gained from. These agreements and trading alliances can be large-scaled such as the global agreement World Trade Organisation (WTO), the smaller scale regional agreements such as the European Union (EU) as well as agreements between two specific countries such as CERTA - Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement between Australia and New Zealand. They all have the aim of reducing barriers to trade between countries, a process described as trade liberalization.
Trading blocs aid the process of trade liberalization in that it promotes free trade between countries - examples of such groups are the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) and European Union (EU). Although their arrangements may result in the ...