International And Strategic Marketing

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International and Strategic Marketing

International and Strategic Marketing


Globalization and pace of technological change has made the competition intense. Nowadays in order to survive in the market an organization has to formulate an effective action plan in order to survive the competition. While entering into an international market there are a lot of things that should be kept in mind. The first and foremost thing to cater is the existing market players that are already present in the market occupying huge market share and enjoying sustainable brand loyalty of customer (Doyle, 2000, 81-99). It is difficult to grasp the untapped market but it is even more difficult if the untapped market is already occupied by a market giant. Therefore, effective strategies should be formulated in order to attract the customers by luring their brand loyalty. This requires in-depth market survey and analysis.

Development of a new business strategy has always been one of the main obsessions of most companies, but when that happens to become think winning strategies, i.e. those who enjoy guarantees of success over the medium becomes a true chimera. In the last century and over again we hear the hackneyed phrase that the world is changing, but we never could imagine that this spiral of change was going to take more and more speed as he moved his business, reaching what now occurs annually at the new technologies that appear do change and break paradigms and references that we had so far, forcing us to rethink again and again the scenarios in which we live longer and as basic to give any market situation but have to be daily alert to adapt to such changes as soon as possible and not get lost in the forgetfulness of the customer (Rogers, 2001, 44-48). Nevertheless, if that happens in life call it "normal" business, marketing it lives with much more intensity, because from beginning to end is affected daily by these changes that we discussed with the department must live more intensely these changes and should be more flexible in this new century (Doyle, 2000, 81-99).

Discussion and Analysis

This paper will discuss the scenario of Virgin Atlantic and its marketing strategies when it decided to enter the market of United Kingdom. This paper will enlighten the strategic approach used by Virgin Atlantic and strategic attack options that were available to Virgin. In order to survive in the market there are certain things that require the focus of the newly entering organization. The strategy formulation and implementation require critical analysis as it is the crucial for organization's success. The following discussion focuses on how the newly entering organization should choose and formulate strategies in order to grasp the opportunities present in the market.

Strategic Approach

The Study of the Market

The market is a place that assists the forces of supply and demand for the transaction of goods and services at a certain price. The study of market is the first and crucial step to engulf the strategic approach and design the strategic attack ...
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