International Admissions Processes

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Meeting the Demands of International Admissions Processes

Chapter 3: Methodology

This section mainly focuses on designing a comprehensive methodology in resemblance of proposed research study. Though, research is undertaken to get findings about a topic by taking into consideration some facts, experiences, concepts, hypotheses, principles and laws. A well designed research defines the problem clearly, takes on proper technique, discourses objective evidence, argues logically and provides valuable inferences which provides the researcher with practical insight of complete study. It is critically important to carefully select the appropriate methodology for research by considering purpose of study, research questions and available resource. The process of research design leads the research towards accomplishing concrete research. If researcher makes the best selection and uses this step appropriately he or she can get much valid results.

This chapter not only deals with the selection of proper methods but also discusses the issues related to the veracity of research study highlighting limitations and ethical consideration. However, regarding the formation of an appropriate research design, it involves the four chronological steps. Firstly, selection of research philosophy, secondly research approach, thirdly research technique and fourthly talks about the mode of data collection. In fact, there are two major ways of obtaining required data in which primary research and secondary both are included. Though, the selection of either of them is made in accordance with the requirement of research study. After making the choice among research philosophy; positivism or phenomenology, research approach; deductive or inductive, research technique; quantitative or qualitative and data collection method; primary or secondary this portion also elaborate matters of validity, reliability and generalisability of proposed study. Remember, to design an appropriate form of these all elements are essentially merged together in accordance with the demand of research study.

For this study, qualitative methodology will be used. This technique often utilized quantitative technique as well. This type of methodology is often adopted to provide answers of the research questions which cannot be extracted by using one single research technique. Qualitative methodology is widely used research techniques, and results obtained from this technique are often given more preferences over other research techniques.

Research Philosophy: Positivism or Phenomenology

There are two major philosophies; positivism and Phenomenology used mostly in academic research. In fact, the selection of right philosophy is very first step towards designing the formal structure of any research. Actually, whenever a study is designed first of all the selection of suitable philosophy is ensured. These two main philosophies have different domains even they can be sated as opposite to each other. It may be stipulated through the nature of both philosophies. The former philosophy positivism deals with the facts while latter phenomenology goes with meanings. According to the Trochim, (2006) when the pattern of positivism is applied it qualifies top to bottom process while in case of following phenomenology the reverse of using positivism minimizes the horizon of research study whereas phenomenology always keeps room for changing unless conclusions are drawn. In this regard, the phenomenology may provide in ...
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