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Internal Versus External Recruitment

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Internal versus external recruitment

Internal versus external recruitment

The increasing globalisation of the marketplace combined with an ever increasing shortage of skilled staff and advances in technology have resulted in large scale changes to recruitment practices throughout the world. Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting appropriate job candidates capable of effectively filling the job vacancies available within an organisation. There are three main objectives of recruitment, firstly to increase the pool of job applicants at a minimal cost. Secondly, to ensure the organisation compiles with legislative requirements, and lastly to somewhat improve the selection process.

For successful recruitment, the human resources department needs to analyze the vacant position so that detailed job descriptions and job specifications can be created to efficiently help with the hiring process. Recruitment can either be internal or external. Internal recruitment is promoting existing employees in conjunction with internal training and external recruitment involves recruiting suitable candidates with relevant experience and qualifications who have not previously worked within the organization.

Sources Of Recruitment

Every organisation has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes from two kinds of sources: internal and external sources. The sources within the organisation itself (like transfer of employees from one department to other, promotions) to fill a position are known as the internal sources of recruitment. Recruitment candidates from all the other sources (like outsourcing agencies etc.) are known as the external sources of recruitment.

Internal vs. External Recruiting

Internal recruiting is the search for in-house employees who have the abilities and the attitudes to fulfill the

requirements needed and to help the organization achieve its objectives.

Although internal recruiting is often neglected, and the Internet hardly offers any useful discussions for this recruiting strategy, it is crucial not to overlook this strategy. The discussion of internal recruiting provides the advantages and disadvantages of this recruiting technique in comparison to the external method.

What is external recruitment?

This refers to the filling of job vacancies from outside the business (contrast with internal recruitment). Most businesses engage in external recruitment fairly frequently, particularly those that are growing strongly, or that operate in industries with high staff turnover. (Compton, 2002)

Advantages of external recruitment

These are mainly the opposite of the disadvantages of internal recruitment. The main one being that a wider audience can be reached which increases the chance that the business will be able to recruit the skills it needs. (Dessler, ...
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