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Innovation in organizational settings means that integrating the organizational practices with technology. The dramatically change with the help of technology also referred to the innovation. The Agile organizations are rapidly changing and it is important to bring innovation in these organizations. The innovation for the organization that has been selected is Knowledge management system that will help the organization to become effective and efficient. The quick change in Agile Organizations is vital to discuss the trend and growth of these organizations. The Knowledge management is facilitating agile organization doing the business profitably. The latest knowledge management system has identified beneficial changes in mechanism of inter-organizational trade, which makes organization more agile and related. The business agility refer to accept the modifications instantly, and maintaining the competitive advantages of the business.

The Innovation Process

It is the process of sequential transformation of ideas into products, passing phases of fundamental and applied research, engineering development, marketing, production and marketing. The process also includes three process Search ? Select ? Implement it means that there are various innovations that could be implemented so the initial step is to search those alternatives then select one of those innovations and at the end implement it.

Knowledge Management System

Knowledge Management System is one of the most important ways of creating competitive advantage and improves the efficiency of the organization as a whole. Knowledge Management System (KMS) for the agile organization is an innovative technique that will provide benefits to the organization. A knowledge management system is an information and communication system for the purpose of an application system. The system combines and integrates different functions for structured and contextualized use of explicit and tacit knowledge as well as for internal organization and external knowledge. This network of knowledge and life cycles are organization-wide or for that part of the organization supported by a knowledge management initiative is focused (Maier, 2007)

The whole knowledge of an organization is understood to mean that data and information in computers, on paper or in the minds of the people they are part of the overall knowledge of the organization. The focus is on the appropriate presentation of knowledge as opposed to data. KMS has benefit for retention of intellectual property of the work after the employee leaves the company. It is as if the knowledge has been encoded (Montano, 2004, p.45-65).

Providing Quality Information to its clients

Upon scrutinize the company's activity; they concentrate on offering high quality information on web for subscribed user which comprises of core business activity (DeLone, 2003, p.10). The knowledge management system will provide significant, comprehensive and relevant information to the clients that will enhance the relationship of business and clients. This innovation will create a good bonding between clients and organization. The flexible structure of KMS defines categories according to needs and limit access to certain user groups. Valuable organizational information is shared between organizational structures

Easy and Fast Access to Information

The consistent information must flow freely, intend of the knowledge portal or product must be simple to comprehend, in today's viable ...
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