Influence Of Race

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Influence of Race

Influence of Race


The government of the United States is viewed as a representative democracy, requiring both popular sovereignty and a representative federal labor force or bureaucracy that is charged with managing the government and establishing the focus and priorities that benefit our collective existence as a nation. Although our government structure initially was not established or described as a true democracy, granting equal justice to all members of the society under the law, it is viewed as the first liberal democracy on the basis of its founder's shared commitment to the principle of “natural freedom” and presumed equality. The structure of our government provides for shared responsibility among the legislative, judiciary and executive branches. While the establishment of democratic representation is clearly outlined in the electoral process that selects the legislative branch and the key executive, the President, there was less clarity regarding the equitable representation within the executive departments. I am a Hispanic American from Nicaragua. My family moved to USA when I was two years old, and I have lived in USA for nineteen years. I am proud to be a Marine, and at 21, feel that I have many opportunities ahead of me. Being from USA, with its population of 58.4 percent foreign born people, 68.8 percent Latino, and 41 percent males, I feel that I am well represented in my community.

Similarities in Members of Communities

In USA, there are outward characteristics of our "look" that defines us as a group. For example, we have the same skin tone, and our hair cuts, such as "fades" or "blow outs," make us readily identifiable. It is one of the most common looks for many Hispanics in USA, and it is very easy to determine that we are all of the same descent.

Respect by Leadership

The leaders in my community are respectful and represent my interests and those of my family and friends. USA is a very diverse population and there are leaders who try to assist their own race or people of their same national origin. For example, there are parts of USA such as Little Havana, which is comprised mostly of Cubans; Little Haiti for Haitians, and sections of USA that are populated by Dominicans, African Americans, and other ethnic groups. This results in some ways in mini-cities within the city, like boroughs in New York or Boston or Barrios in California. Because of this, leaders try to influence their sections of the city from which their people are from and look out for their best interest. In this way, at times they show less interest in caring for other races until they are able to do something for their own.

Different Member of Community

In social settings, the members of my community treat me as an equal. However when it comes to business or work, they tend to favor people of their own race or ethnicity. This is not to say that I think there is anything in particular wrong with this, ...
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