Race And Community

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Race and Community

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Communism in Homeland1


Similarities and Differences4



Race and Community


I believe that in every prosperous society unequal position of men is an important phenomenon. Of course, these differences no longer rely on direct violence and legislation that supported the system of privileges in the caste or class society.

Nevertheless, in addition to more serious divisions on the size of property and income, prestige and power, our society is characterized by many rank-difference so thin and at the same time so deeply rooted that the statements about the disappearance of all forms of inequality due to equalization process can be perceived, but at least, skeptical.


Communism in Homeland

In the United States of America, we as the person rule this homeland have nearly all freedoms that any could inquire for. Yet time in and time out we jumble so numerous distinct modes of life into their own that we overlook that we require reside inhabits the way that we desire, and not the way other ones desire us. A feminine should have bends and a less petit body. So for demonstration I take the example of women in athletics, every woman that has ever taken part the Olympic sport has to proceed through a strong gynecological personal, while men manage not. Society prescribes a set of directions or " roles," which comprises of how one is presumed to and not presumed to dress, proceed, believe, seem, concern to other ones, believe of oneself, and so on.

What I have learnt from the observation and through the studies around the world, discrimination and gender bias are obstacles to the full development and full participation of women as compared to men. The women do not enjoy the same opportunities as their male counterparts. Their basic rights are denied and the conditions for sustainable human development are not fulfilled. It is vital for the future, that women assume responsibilities within their family, their community and, increasingly, on their workplace and in society. Very often, women are abused or treated unfairly by society and have little opportunity, or lack of political voice, to change the situation. On the other hand, men often feel societal pressure to be providers of family income and have little opportunity to help educate children. They may lose confidence in themselves and their self-esteem if they are unemployed (Cohen, 2008).


American sociologists have found their own society to be a natural laboratory for the study of these issues. The United States has a wide variety of racial and ethnic groups, and some of these have been more successful in American society than others. Within any group, there is notable variation in economic achievement, and the success of model minorities is often exaggerated. One explanation for these differences that has found some acceptance both within and outside scientific circles is that the cultures and values of these groups differ. Some groups' values are more conducive to success than others. Jews, for example, have traditionally been seen as valuing scholarship and business acumen; as a result, they ...
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