Improving Distant Learning Education with Information Systems Strategies
Background of the study1
Research Questions1
The Influence of Technology on Education2
Online Education2
Effect of On-line Education on Students3
Advantages of Distant Learning4
Disadvantages of Distant Learning4
Use of Social Networking in Promoting Distant Learning Program4
Major Relevant Issues5
Background of the study
The scope of education is immensely increasing day by day. With the passage of time, there is such an increase in the number of students who want to acquire education that, it is becoming very difficult for all universities to cater so many students at a time. Those students not only include youngsters but also the older age people. That is why; investing money in opening an educational institute is considered to be a very profitable business. But, it is a very difficult task to open an institute which provides quality education and distant learning techniques to all its students.
The key to efficient performance in this world is technology. Since parents expose their children to technology at a younger age, these children become dependent on technology for everything. Technology has positively affected the student's achievements and learning in every field and stage of learning. The students have benefited from the technology from Pre School to university. A class in which the medium used for lectures is technology oriented like interactive video sessions improves the student learning in the long term. It has been also been observed that the students academics skills are also improved if the students are exposed to the technology in their class. However, apart from the technology use in the class, there are many other things which affect the student learning. These factors include the teacher's role, the student's characteristics and the software used(Chen,2009,Pp63).
Research Questions
The main purpose of this study is to determine the ways of improving distant learning education with information systems strategies. To answer this topic, the following questions and have been addressed:
What are the positive influences of technology on education?
How has technology improved distant learning?
What is the affect of online education through information systems on students?
The Influence of Technology on Education
Technology has changed the relationships between and among human beings. Information is now widely available for all citizens to generalize, and conclude about what they read, and various combinations of business, industry and education organizations are collaborating on using the internet to establish long-term, coordinated efforts to improve education at a national, broad-based level. Due to increasing importance of the technology, parents don't give a second thought when exposing their young children to technology. Even at young age of three, children are being exposed to technology like internet. Even though computers helped children learn faster but its impact on the children physical growth cannot be neglected. Exposure to such technology leads to quicker mental development of these youngsters and they become more technology-savvy then their parents. In this fast paced world, technology is playing a vital role and thus it is very essential for everyone to learn computer basic(Zufryden,2004,Pp20).