Importance Of Education

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Importance of Education

Importance of Education


The people of my age think that going to school is something we must not due because there is no pressure of our parents but, going to school to me is an opportunity. It is the opportunity to learn and develop and, get the best possible education that, I find as important (Bricheno, 2006). Education is special for me for several reasons and, it is now my aim to get the education to live as the skillful person and, run homeless shelter. It is not easy to learn homeless shelter without proper knowledge and, person like me has fewer options to join the school at the age for 46. In order to run the homeless shelter I should have the knowledge of offering classes like GED, life skills, financial, health nutrition and anger management. If I don't have the proper knowledge of these classes then, I will not able to run the homeless shelter that is why education is important for me at this stage. I will reflect the lights on the importance of education to support my points. If I give proper time to my education then, I will be able to improve the lifestyles of the person around me. Today, the world has entered into the globalization stage and, there is lot of competition and, individuals who are not getting proper education, are not able to survive in this world. They are not getting proper earnings and, support for their families because, of racial profiling and other reasons but, if there is a talent and education then, individuals are entering into the numerous jobs.


Though, time is hard and people are having difficulties to enter in to the jobs in their relevant fields but, there are several people who have learned and, educated and running homeless shelters and, other social organizations for the sake of humanity. This means that, education is not for us but, it also opens routes to serve the humanity (Bricheno, 2006). “Service to humanity is like Service to God” is an old saying but, quit true and familiar to me. I have made my mind to help such homeless individuals by supporting them with my knowledge and skills. My aims and missions will not be accomplished without proper knowledge because, I have noticed without proper knowledge, I am not able to run homeless shelter without having proper knowledge of financial and, anger management. The first thing came into my mind when I thought for importance of education is the knowledge gain. Education is giving knowledge to us of the current happenings in the world and, reshaping our lives by developing different perspectives of living. It has helped us to develop our own opinions and, give timely suggestions and, in other words, education has broadened our minds. There is a debate around the world that is education really important for each individual? Some say that, education is just the gaining of the information but, it does not giving proper knowledge to individuals ...
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