Brown V. Board Of Education: History Of Importance Of Education

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Brown v. Board of Education: History of Importance of Education

Brown v. Board of Education: History of Importance of Education


Education is considered as one of the most important factors and elements of a successful society and necessary function of state and local governments. All the developed countries put a great deal of efforts and reserve large amount of financial budget for imparting education to rich and poor people of the country regardless of their ethnic or racial background. Increased expenditure on education is an indication that a particular government or country recognizes the importance and value of education how important it is for better performance as it is the most basic responsibility of every government towards its population. It not only improves the growth and development of the society at large but also helps in development of children cultural and behavioral values by making him learn the skills and attitude that is necessary and helpful in their practical work experience and professional training. Equal opportunity and facility of education for is a basic right that must be provided to every children from the very basic educational level regardless of his socioeconomic or ethnic background and denial of this equal opportunity in terms of adequate education is detrimental for child's mental health and can have diverse and negative effect on their ability and motivation to learn and develop normally which in turn may affect to grow and develop as normal part of the society.


The issue of inequality in education based on the race and ethnic background of the minority children surfaced when two important amendments were made to the American constitution with regards to equal position and political status to the minorities that is African Americans. It was the fourteenth Amendment in the year 1968 that was used for the purpose of extending basic Bill of Rights to particular parts of the State and Local government. This extension of Bills of Right of fourteenth amendment became the basic pillar and reason for providing for equality in rights with regards to the law for the entire American population and was against any law or regulation that gave rise to discrimination or differences in the privileges and immunities for every American citizen. Additionally it also discourages and prohibited discriminations in terms of liberty, freedom or deprived any American citizen of their basic right to life, property, right to avail due process to law and protection provided by law for those working in it jurisdiction or geographical location. The Fifteenth amendment also played an important and supportive role for the fourteenth amendment and suggested for providing equal right to all the American citizens regardless of their ethnic and racial background which included minorities like African Americans. This amendment was ratified in the year 1870 and was a guarantee that African Americans will be treated in a similar manner when it comes to their right of giving vote which they were denied as a result of continued series of laws and regulations known as Jim Crow ...
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