Impacts of internal and inter-organizational information systems on the outsourcing of manufacturing
Impacts of internal and inter-organizational information systems on the outsourcing of manufacturing
The study of Information Systems (IS) and outsourcing is an important topic and has moved beyond the productivity paradox. Because of this, researchers need to recognize that the organization of “IS” work has important economic impacts on the ability of “IS” units to provide service. “IS” is also important that researchers recognize that the ability to manage relationships between organizations “IS” one of the most valuable capabilities of an enterprise (Agrawal, 2000, 33).
This Information System “IS” supported by a 1999 study by Michael F. Corbett and Associates, which indicates that managers spend a third of their budgets in the management of external relations. This tremendous need to coordinate with outside entities prompted Frank Casale, CEO of the Outsourcing Institute, to propose a new executive director, the Chief Relationship Officer whose sole job “IS” to manage relationships with these outside entities 9 Clemons, 1997, 88).
Research journals
There are number of research journals which are conducting research on the above mentioned topic. Some of them are:
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
International Journal of Business Information Systems
The Journal of Information Systems (JIS)
European Journal of Information Systems
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Discussion of the chosen topic
There are a multitude of questions worthy of research that address the impacts of economic organization in “IS” productivity. For example, if “IS” centrally manage or dispersed throughout the company? What would the federal form of productivity impact of “IS” organization unit? To whom should the chief information officer (CIO) report? “IS” IS necessary, effective or harmful to have both a CIO and chief technology officer (CTO) in the same company? How many layers authority must be included in the “IS” unit? These questions and many other questions arise naturally as about how to manage the “IS” unit. In this paper, we try to add to the understanding of “IS” management, addressing a simple question; a unit of “IS” must be managed in-house or through a relationship with another company?
In particular the work of introduction, this paper focuses on the specific domain of the archetypal outsourcing, as evidenced by the announcement of IBM, Kodak, 1989. This ideal situation “IS” a relationship between two great companies, where the partner assumes management responsibilities for a mature “IS” function, previously run by the company's activity. In this relationship, the couple hired the staff of the focal firm, who was accused and the provision of service. In addition, partner organizations, as a normal course of action, all purchases of computer equipment and on-task and use the same equipment operated by the same people to provide the service.
Although this paper focuses on the provision of existing services, by transferring assets of the firm coordinating partner, the logic contained in this document extends to the provision of new services (Snir, 2000, 44).
Even in cases in which the company uses a ratio of coordination to manage a new task, ...