In the United Kingdom, there are 45% women who have experienced some kind of assault. There are 21% girls who experience some kind of child sexual abuse. There are 80,000 women who suffer from rape every year (Walby & Allen, 2004). Sexual abuse can be defined as any form of non-consensual sexual contact. Sexual abuse may take place with both men and women. Sexual abuse might take place by a stranger or any relative. Sexual abuse by a partner includes the calling name, deliberate physical pain, use of objects, and others. Child sexual abuse can be defined as an abuse that involves any sexual act with a child performed by an adult. There are different acts that are included in child sexual abuse. Those acts include, but not limited to, sexual touching of any body part, penetrative sex, engaging in sexual activity in front of a child, using child for pornography or prostitution, and others.
According to researchers, there is a relationship between sexual abuse during childhood and the mental health problems among individuals. There is a higher probability for the development of mental health problems among individuals who were sexually abused than individuals who were not abused (Brodsky et al., 2001, pp. 1871; Joiner et al., 2007, pp. 539; Molnar, Buka, & Kessler, 2001, pp. 735; Nurcombe, 2000, pp. 85).
The long-term consequences of sexual abuse on the mental health of individuals have raised several important questions. In addition to finding the relationship between sexual abuse and mental health, researchers are also trying to establish a relationship between the severity of mental abuse and its impact on mental health (Banyard, Williams, & Siegel, 2004, pp. 223).
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of sexual abuse on women service users.
Problem Statement
Sexual abuse at any age results in severe consequences for women. It does not only result in short term but also long term consequences for the mental health of individuals who were abused. The individuals who suffer from sexual abuse during childhood have the probability of developing disturbing behaviour when reaching adulthood. Therefore, it is important to conduct a study to determine how sexual abuse can impact the mental health of those who were abused.
Research Question
This research is based on the following research question:
How does child sexual abuse affects women mental well-being and identity?
Rationale of the Study
Abuse usually takes place when the power in a relationship is misused. When one person has more power than the other, the abuse is likely to takes place. When individuals are dependent on others because of a particular powerful relationship, they are likely to be abused. There are different kinds of abuse; one of them is sexual abuse. In a relationship between a service user and a professional worker, one person has more power than ...