Impact of performance appraisal on organisational commitment: A case Study of Nigeria
Background of the study1
Problem Statement2
Purpose of the Study2
Objectives of the Study3
Research Questions4
Significance of the Study5
Performance Appraisal6
Performance Appraisal objectives6
Organisational Performance8
Effective attributes of a performance appraisal10
Emotional Reactions to Feedback11
Research Method13
Research Design13
Sample of Participants14
Data Collection15
Validity and Reliability17
Projected Time Table18
Background of the study
The importance of people as necessary contributors to the accomplishment of organisational objectives appears to have been critical throughout management history. (Kent, 2003, 75) indicates that traditional economic theory identified land, labour, and capital as factors of production, and present day human resources management evolved from the staffing duties of managers who recruited, selected, trained, developed, compensated, and appraised employees (Kane, 2009, 42). (Judge, 2001, 76) explained that the human resource management tasks were attracting, placing, rewarding, and retaining employees General observation indicates that the search for ways of ensuring optimal productivity and effective management of employee performance has been a source of management concern throughout management history (Ilgen, 2007, 34).
In terms of standards and orientation, there have been a series of regulations regarding hiring practices, application of employment tests, and other forms of assessments, compensation, pension, and employee health, and safety amongst others (Iaffaldano, 2005, 25). The evolution of the notion of strategic management in the 1960s has increasingly brought about management focus on the concept of human resource management as part of the overall corporate strategy involving issues such as selection, development, rewards, and other related tasks as vital parts of mission accomplishment in organisations (Gabris, 2000, 58). Broadly speaking, “organisations require consistent levels of high performance from individual employees in order to enhance overall corporate performance and survive in a highly competitive environment” (Fletcher, 2007, 47). The Nigerian banking industry is competitive and dynamic, with high corporate mortality, amidst sporadic regulatory interventions and human resource skill deficiencies.
Problem Statement
In a bid to remain competitive, banks in Nigeria have tended to place more emphasis on employee performance indices, such as profits and deposit volumes, which appears to have diminished the importance of other employee performance indices. In a similar perspective, (Fletcher, 2007, 48) identified profitability and asset base as the traditional measures of bank performance in Nigeria, a practice that appears to influence employee performance goal-setting within banks. The lack of literature on human resource management practices and staffing in banks in Nigeria, as well as how most studies on the Nigerian industry have shied away from human resource information despite the history on bank failure in Nigeria (Eccles, 2007, 109).
The industry consolidation from July 2005 to January 2006 appears to have triggered increased demand for high corporate and individual performance, thereby presenting new challenges to human resource management practitioners. Given that “effective and efficient performance of any organisation is dependent on the performance of its human resource” (Chenhall, 2003, 17), this qualitative research study will address the problem of apparent need of an empirically derived theory for designing EPA systems for competitive advantage of ...