Impact of Good and Bad Characters on the Organization
Impact of Good and Bad Characters on the Organization
It is important for the people of the company to make sure that the character of the people of the company possesses good characters. They are the ones who make sure that the company performs in the best manner and will also be beneficial for the people who are working for it. There are people who have bad characters, as well that negatively impact the company.
Essentially, the behavior organizational citizenship behaviors are defined as individual volunteers not required by the job or the organization. Overall, these behaviors contribute directly or indirectly to the functional efficiency of the organization. Like the good citizen in society, an individual who adopts citizenship behaviors will beyond the regulations or the definition of work just to contribute to the success of the organization. He does not expect a reward for any such behavior. Patching (2007) expanded the concept of OCB by three further categories: courtesy, sportsmanship and civic virtue: Courtesy describes behavior that the emergence preventing problems in the cooperation. Sportsmanship is the Willingness to bear temporary inconvenience and annoyance. Civic virtue is with the independent search for information and active participation in decision-making processes described.
The second quality that is present is of healing and third quality that is present to a greater extent is of foresightedness. The above assessment suggests that empathy is present to a greater extent and it is the quality on which all the participant rate highly. On the other hand, persuasion is the characteristic that is lacking most. Listening and stewardship are also two characteristics that are deficient (Fekete & Keith, 2003).
The presence of conceptualization is also good. It means that the individual can easily set and analyze goals and determine its outcomes. Foresightedness is the second most positively rated quality. This means that the individual has got the ability to see afar and has good visionary aspects. Stewardship it means that the individual is ready to serve others. This quality is the nub of servant leadership. This characteristic is not present in the individual. Nurturing and building community both of the characteristics are similar in nature. On one hand nurturing considers about betterment of others within the organization while, on the other hand community development talk about betterment of surroundings. Both characteristics are almost same in nature and both characteristics got same ratings.
Lack of compliance with customer expectations stigmatized in any way to you as misleading, but stigmatizes them as being gullible, disrespected and undignified. (Bridges, 2000). The concept of business or organizational branding image is a place untouched by many business books. Now do not get me wrong. The abundance of the course covers it, but not stigmatizing, particularly ethics and fairness in the total business value assessment made.
There is always a cause for every effect. The employees should not let the negative syndrome-stigmatizing achieve your business or your company, even if you work right there. Make a commitment to improve the business brand...