Facebook was born on 4 February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg started. He had designed this side of his room at the Howard University, America, as a social site for students of this university. But today, Facebook is extremely viewed by many adolescents. Those who view their account every fifteen minutes during their duties have lower grades than those who do not attach or less interest. Here the reason is quite simple, if you have the choice to concentrate to learn a lesson or follow your friends on Facebook; in adolescence the answer is obvious. Facebook is a distraction but it is no worse than television. You can also add to this study, the increase of culture of voyeurism. It remains an important point, the paradox of networks. To maximize the power of virtual relationships, we forego those of real life. Over-use of networks can lead to a greater or lesser isolation.
Facebook helps teens to socialize introverts. The screen is a security, whether on a PC or a Smartphone. By ignoring their shyness through a virtual shield, it will be more discreet as and when the years. The teenager will realize that dialogue and communication are critical factors and it is not so difficult to interact. In short, he will gain confidence in him. Finally the networks, if properly used nowadays, offer new educational approaches, with teaching more interactive and therefore more motivating.
New technologies and social networks are accessible and used especially by teenagers regardless of their social origin. Young people could present their achievements, their trade groups, how they create their connections. In terms of practical work, student groups could work together on projects using Facebook for their distribution. There is nothing negative about that. You can also add, the next cultural networks, this is real platforms of content, links, ideas, videos, allowing any sum to increase its culture.
Last few years shows that the customer satisfaction is the top priority of the facebook. Due to the social nature of the medium itself, buyers have internalized the need to acquire what they need in the shortest time possible. Thus, consumers demand Facebook Commerce platforms that are able to provide immediate response to all their demands, without intermediate steps or jumps, so that they can enjoy a purchasing process fast, smooth and efficient, without waiting or delay. In this sense the Facebook Commerce must provide a shopping experience unique and personalized according to each customer based on their tastes, preferences, and interests (Cirasella, 2007).
According to several studies, nearly half of Facebook users who are interested in the Facebook Commerce do it for the chance to get exclusive discounts and products. They value the fact to obtain products that cannot be purchased in any other platform and also get the best possible price. The truth is that the conversion rates of this social network approach 4% and that the average purchase in this network is already above ...