Impact Of Employees' Dissatisfaction On Sales

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Impact of Employees' Dissatisfaction and Organizational Structure on Sales


The main purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of organizational structures and employees dissatisfaction on strategies of business organizations and how companies may resolve the inherent dilemma associated with balancing the conflicting adaptive pressures associated with short-run efficiency and long-run effectiveness of the sales revenue. The behavior of gross output and include the variables of productivity, turnover and absenteeism. This model also adds the expression and loyalty, which are constructive behaviors that allow people to bear with unsatisfactory situations or restore satisfactory working conditions. Sixty-one percent of them say they enjoy their work environment, especially managers. You can see the culmination of sites for HR compensation policies or safety, has long been invested to avoid the risk of social conflicts. Wages, hours and the environment are more points of tension. However, dissatisfaction mounts on evolution wishes of employees. Their expectations to develop their employability and skills grow, and continue to be neglected by management and HR.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Problem definition

Organization: A coordinated system consisting of two or more persons, the cooperation between them is essential to the existence of the organization.

Components are molded by their environment, can neither be ignored, they must also recognize and respond profitably to the needs and demand trends.

External Environment. Are institutions or forces outside the organization, relevant to their operations, affecting their performance. Take inputs (raw materials, money, labor and energy), transform, then the return in the form of products or services to the society they serve.

or Indirect Action Items (macro), affect the climate in which organizational activity takes place. Do not have a direct impact but the potential to become elements of direct action.

or Direct Action Items (micro), (external stakeholders). Direct influence on the activities of the organization. Are affected, directly or indirectly, by the way the organization seeks to achieve its objectives.

Internal Environment, called organizational climate. Interest groups or elements of Procedure, which directly influence the activities of the organization, and fall within the scope and responsibility of a manager or managers. Also this makes it more enjoyable the influence of order and organization.

Organizational Structure is a set of ways in which the labor process at first divided into individual work tasks, and then reached the coordination of action to address problems (Henry Mintzberg, "Structure of a fist"). In essence, the organizational structure determines the distribution of responsibility and authority within the organization. As a rule, it is displayed in the form of organizational charts (English organigram) - graphical design, elements of which are hierarchically ordered organizational units (departments, job positions).

Organizational structure determines the division of work between workers and informal channels of coordination and chain of command. Organizational structure governing relations within the institution and identifies responsibilities.

Research focusing on the distribution of attributes, such as age, gender, and race, among the members of an organization or organizational unit has linked the demographic composition of organizations to an array of career-related ...
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