Illegal Drugs

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Research Topic Illegal Drug Use Has an Effect Amount of Property Crimes

Tommy Ward

Kaplan University


The research is about finding relationship between the use of illegal drug and increase in property crime in USA. This study is a causal form of study, as this research aims to see the relationship between two variables and also evaluates the nature of their relationship. This paper gives a brief introduction about what other researches says about the relationship between illegal drug and increase in property crime.

For conducting this research, I have given an appropriate research design. The research will include all the drug offender in USA and it is the population of this study. The sample of this study includes the drug offenders who are about to go to the rehabilitation centers of 10 states of USA.As far as data collection of the concerned the drug offender, a detailed questionnaire needs to be developed. The questionnaire would be based on behavioral questions. Secondly different structured interview would be used to evaluate different behavioral patterns of drugs offenders.

Apart from the use of primary data collected from questionnaire and structured interviews, secondary data would also be used. In the end, the as a researcher I have try to point out different factors and concerns that will undermine the validity and reliability of the research. Charges of bias can arise when a researcher has adopted an advocacy role or has been employed to represent a particular institutional or special-interest point of view. For example, social scientists who have identified hazardous conditions, criminal activity, government neglect and the like, and who serve as experts on such matters sometimes become advocates who propose interventions and control measures.


The subject of illegal drugs being a problem for the criminal justice system, general knowledge for Citizens in the United States, because of the publicity given to the subject from TV news reporters and newspapers in the United States for years. What is not as publicized is the problem of property crime in the United States. In 2009 there were 9,320,971 property crimes committed in the United States that is a rate of 3,036 per hundred thousand people arrested in the United States. United States over 50% of people arrested for property crimes test positive for illegal drugs .My hypothesis is that Illegal drug use has an effect amount of property crimes committed in the United States of America (Bureau of justice statistics, Through my research I wish to uncover the relationship between my independent variable illegal drugs users and my dependent veritable property crime.

The weakness of my research is there is not enough, drug test and being conducted at the time arrest before sentenced to a state and federal correction facilities and property crime has declined in recent years, either because of offenders already been incarcerated and no longer committing, property crimes are because offenders that are arrested for a crime under the influence of drugs are not put in the category of property crime in FBI and ...
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