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Drug Trafficking

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Drug Trafficking

Drug Trafficking

Drug Trafficking


Producing, distributing and selling of illegal drugs is called drug trafficking. Drug trafficking is a prime contributor of crime worldwide. Drug trafficking hence takes into its umbrella the commercial trade, smuggle, or distributing of drugs that are illegal and or using the drugs in order manufacture or consume substances that are illegal. Not only is there physical danger inherent in the use of illegal drugs, smuggling with reference to drugs is also frequently followed by other crimes such as prostitution murder, assault and kidnapping.

There are authorities that work full time globally to prevent the use and sale of illegal drugs, as both represent enormous dangers to society. Drugs are today the illegal activity with the largest turnover worldwide. The turnover varies between $300 and $500 billion yearly, corresponding to 8 percent of the international trade volume according to the United Nations Internal Drug Control Program (UNDCP). People in the United States spend billions of dollars for the consumption of various drugs. (Paoli, Letizia, 2002)


Within United States, such drugs include methamphetamines, heroin, cocaine, PCP, and marijuana. Penalties attached to drug trafficking may differ, but in majority of places these penalties are aimed to be harsh enough to de motivate individuals from selling drugs. According to jurisdictions law may differ.

Individuals charged with drug possession usually face stiff penalties, which include property huge fines, forfeiture and imprisonment as well. Drug market is the largest illegal market worldwide and drug smuggling the transnational crime generating the greatest revenues for participants. Within the parameters of United States from Colombia, cocaine is exported into the United States by air, sea, and land, usually through one or more Central American countries and, more and more frequently Mexico. (Kahhan, Nicole A, 2008)

Mexico is known as the chief foreign supplying zone within the United States of marijuana, Methamphetamine, and to some degree heroin. Trafficked of cocaine is mainly done by the organizations of Colombia with help of DTOs from Mexico whereas other drugs such as Ecstasy come from Western Europe. This is because a sizable share of U.S. demand is fulfilled, however, by domestically grown marijuana. Following the decades of World War II, the demand for cannabis cocaine, heroin and once again rose, first in the United States followed by that Western Europe. The main supply of majority of these drugs is claimed to come from Afghanistan borders where it can transferred to different areas of the world.

There is a government agency present to reduce trafficking of drugs in United States that with the purpose to monitor and discourage drug trafficking. THE DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) is a federal agency that basically is present to apply drug laws relating to Americans by properly examining, investigating and evaluating the suspected people with respect to producing, distributing, selling and smuggling of drugs. The DEA works with the cooperation and support of lawmakers' private citizens, along with state, local and international law enforcement agencies.

Other American agencies that mainly work to eliminate or curb instances of drug ...
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