Identifying The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership And Absenteeism

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Identifying the relationship between transformational leadership and absenteeism


In this study we try to explore the concept of “leadership” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “transformational leadership” and its relation with “absenteeism”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “transformational leadership” and tries to gauge its effect on “work attendance”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “absenteeism” and tries to describe the overall effect of “transformational leadership” on “employee attendance”.

Table of Contents


Identifying the relationship between transformational leadership and absenteeism4


How does leadership impact organizational progress?4

Transformational Leadership6

Impact of Transformational Leadership upon absenteeism7



Identifying the relationship between transformational leadership and absenteeism


In today's modern world of rapid development and expansion, management and leadership go hand-in-hand and become the single most important factor in the success of any kind of development and business progress which the company might be able to survive in the industry. Here, in this paper, we shall excerpt about how leadership specifically has changed the course of all businesses and guaranteed their survival in the business world.

How does leadership impact organizational progress?

Its importance to the organization, any degree of efficiency can compensate for lack of efficacy, so that an incompetent manager cannot achieve the goals of the organization, efficiency is the key to organizational success. But being a manager is not only direct activities, being a manager also involves being an exemplary leader is knowing the process of how to penetrate those activities performed by members of the group with which you work. The manager in order to achieve its objectives should know how to use different forms of power to influence the conduct of its followers, in various forms, without forgetting what you want to accomplish and where it goes (Gill, Flaschner & Shacher, 2006).

Then management and bristle lid are elements that must be combined to achieve their common goal, to enable the learning of different techniques that allow a person to have their personal development essential to understand that all forms of cooperation to effectively and efficiently to get the mainstream lexicon. The most successful leaders in any organization running tasks and act in a way that provides its followers satisfaction and fulfillment in implementing the work required to reach the goal. Activate leaders "will make" a person, show the way, and guide the group toward the accomplishment. As astutely observed the writer of Ecclesiastes, "Where there is no vision the people perish.” Leaders provide vision to their followers, and leadership is a vital ingredient for successful management.

It is important as the ability of a leader to guide and direct. An organization can have proper planning, control and management procedure and do not survive the lack of a consummate leader. It is vital to the survival of any business or organization. In contrast, many organizations with poor planning and poor organization and control techniques have survived due to the presence of dynamic leadership (Iun & Huang, 2007).

Research on leadership styles is mostly based on a theory that there are specific behaviours, ...
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