Absenteeism And Overtime

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Absenteeism and Overtime Use in Organization

Absenteeism and Overtime Use in Organization


The study is related to absenteeism and overtime use in organization, which is an important phenomenon to study as it helps the organizations in getting familiar with the reasons of such issues. For that reason, this study will particularly focus on the gender, promotion received, age and tenure in relation to absenteeism and overtime.


Variable Name

Level of Measurement



Interval scale

The outcome will not be used in the analysis


Nominal scale

The variable will be used as an independent variable for 3rd and 4th hypothesis.


Interval scale

The outcome will be used as an independent variable in the study for 3rd and 4th hypothesis.


Nominal scale

The variable will be used as an independent variable for 1st and 2nd hypothesis.


Nominal scale

The outcome will not be used in the analysis.


Nominal scale

The variable will be used as an independent variable for 1st and 2nd hypothesis.


Nominal scale

The outcome will not be used in the analysis.


Interval scale

The variable will be used as a dependent variable in the study for 1st and 2nd hypothesis.


Interval scale

The outcome will be used as a dependent variable for 3rd and 4th hypothesis in the study.


H1: There is no significant difference in the mean of absenteeism and promotion received.

H2: There is no significant difference in the mean of absenteeism and gender.

H3: There is an association between overtime at work and age.

H4: There is an association between overtime at work and tenure.


Absenteeism is the fluctuation of the workforce which is an most important parameter that needs to be monitored. The reason for this is that the high absenteeism impact not only the colleagues and superiors who have to deal with a larger volume of business, but also the company's profits (Campbell, 2005, 104). In fact, when talk about the cost incurred due to the use of sick leave then, except sick leave payments which go to the expense of the employer, to take into account the possible costs of temporary employees who were replaced, the extra work of managers who deal with the problem instead of replacing constructive activities, and not to forget the missed opportunities, such as lost sales, the decline in the quality of services, all of which in turn reduces revenue (Mason & Griffin, 2003, 667-687). Thus, it can be concluded that the effects of high absenteeism is a drop in the satisfaction and morale of employees and their productivity due to gender and promotion received.

Overtime is a very common practice in companies and organizations worldwide. Some people take pride in staying at work beyond the hours provided, even if that person is browsing the Internet or playing games, what matters is the presence at the office. According to past researchers, if you are working overtime, this shows that you cannot manage the daily workload, for that reason, you have to do overtime, which is your fault. But if the workload is well past the normal time executable is the fault of your business, you cannot delegate tasks to the correct day to day (Taunton, ...