I.T Strategies

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I.T Strategies for an Organization

Ibra College of Technology

a) Formulation of a 3 to 5 year corporate IS/IT strategy for Ibra College of Technology

Strategic Planning in Ibra College of Technology

For decades strategic planning has been an integral element of business organizations.

While the technology specialists decided how to implement the decisions to pursue a particular

IT capability, the drivers for those decisions were strategic, not technical. Institutions of higher education, such as Ibra College of Technology, have not followed the corporate lead. Higher education leaders have not settled on any one IT strategic planning model that would be both applicable and replicable in Ibra College of Technology. As a matter of fact, the discourse about information technology in higher education continues, as many academic leaders and information services practitioners remain divided on the purpose, function and value of IT in their respective institutions. Academic and IT leaders acknowledge the effect of IT on most aspects of a university life, but they are still divided on the value of IT (Siebert, 2007, pp 45).

I.T in Ibra College of Technology

Although the fundamental activities of the university have been affected by advancing technologies, the transformation driven by IT, which has been ubiquitous throughout the corporate sector, did not occur in Ibra College of Technology. The notion that quality education must be delivered in person and scholarship is best when practiced in its traditional form without integrating new technologies continued to dominate the way in which scholarship and learning occurred in most institutions of higher education. Not with standing substantial investments that higher education made in Information Technology during the last three decades, the vast majority of our classes proceed as they have for generations isolated, even insulated, from the powerful networks we use in the rest of our lives. Because upper administrators themselves lacked the incentives to innovate the learning experience, they saw little reason to hire or promote others who [did] use the technology. There is a need for a study to increase the understanding of planning for IT within the strategic context of Ibra College of Technology. Similar studies, which revealed corporate leadership habits with regard to IT, have been conducted in the corporate sector (Schwartz, 2007, pp 225). Until recently, this lack of interest in information technology as a transforming power in scholarly endeavors on the part of higher education leaders often resulted in short-term planning for IT at various levels of the respective institutions. IT was labeled as infrastructure or utility, not as an enabler for creative approaches to higher education.

Consequently, there has been no single uniform approach to strategic decision-making with respect to information technology throughout the Ibra College of Technology. Higher education institutions, such as the Ibra College, needed to determine whether their long-term goals were served best by an innovator, early-adopter, or follow-the-pack approach to their information technology environment. This decision should be made by the senior leadership of the campus as part of its overall strategic planning effort. Strategic Planning Strategy and its associated terminology may ...
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