Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
It can be said that Wells Fargo's strategy to break the trading range and resistance in its trading business can be said to be the most important business-level strategy of the corporation. This is said because of the very fact that the break provides the trader with the opportunity to be able to trade more. This would in turn mean that the organization itself will be able to benefit from this, as the traders, aware of the stable situation of the corporation, would trade more with Wells Fargo. This in turn would benefit the corporation in being able to accumulate more investment from the traders, which Wells Fargo can use in order to be able to fulfill its corporate-level strategies (Temple, James, 2008). However, the split leaves the door open to further increases in the medium term, without significant resistance to the 2008 highs at $ 44.8 (Temple, James, 2008). Despite these, the upward projection of the range is broken ambitious side, facing the medium term (Temple, James, 2008).
Analyze the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
Corporate ideology in Wells Fargo is based on its financial performance. Traditional financial data is used to monitor the effectiveness at all levels within the organization. However, the leadership OFS decided themselves that financial parameters did not effectively evaluate the strategy and communicate it to employees. If you rely solely on financial performance, decisions can be taken only in the short term, for example, costs have to be cut down, while operational services require long-term strategic consideration on the scale of the bank. OFS division believed that the operational banking not only makes it possible to significantly reduce costs, but also an effective way to find and retain customers over time. It became clear that no containment and cost reduction, and future potential benefits justify the increase in investment in this area (Landler, Mark, et al, 2008). One of the employees at Wells Fargo commented as follows:
"At Wells Fargo financial indicators are commonly used - looks like a profit and loss account, as these are consistent with the plan. However, if you look at the business only from a financial point of view, that is not to take the risk of the most successful solutions, especially in the financial services operations. Our department is referred to as cost centers, and no one wants to invest in such a unit, if there is no guarantee that the result will not be a significant benefit. Proceeding from these premises, the new technologies or products will not be ...