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HYATT Hotel has policies on recruitment and the main policy is they advertise internally first-Hotel Situations Vacant Board, this is to promote career progression. They have an EEO policy. They look at someone's CV on the basis of what they can do, and not their sex or country of origin.

For a job like housekeep attendances, they advertise internally and see if people have a friend or daughter, cousin etc. Then advertise in "free newspapers" so many people have a chance to apply. If the role were more supervisory then they would first look internally to see if they could promote someone. If they want to recruit a manager, even to a role like Front Office Manager then they still need to use Employment Recruitment Agency, for example, TMP, Candidates Personnel, Terrence Cox (an agency specializing in hospitality) because there are not many people who have that ability.

HYATT Hotel does use the web to advertise because it is more cheaply compared to using an agency. As part of the fee they can keep the advertisement on the web for 4 weeks and this means many people have the opportunity to see it. It becomes more and more popular to use the web because fewer people buy newspaper now.

Anne measure they analysis each position on a "case-by-case" basis. They look at where they got the person from, for instance, newspaper, web, agency or internally. There is a balance between internal and external. Agencies are very expensive so they only do that once or twice each year. They look at why one method was less successful. Maybe it was the language they used, or the logo, the words were not attractive enough. They mention the days of the week are best for advertising. Normally that is Wednesday and Saturday for newspapers.

There are not many checks from outside for EEO policy. Nobody really audits them, but they rely on "self-checks". They look at how honest they were, and they want to be "seen" as a "good employer" so they need to make sure people know they demonstrate EEO. If they didn't do it then people would find out and contact their supervisor or manager. Anne said they would try them best to let the employee feel at home.

On average they would advertise 25 times per year (2 per months), including advertising on the web, through the newspaper, or at the student job research. This is an industry where staff turnover is high so that is one reason they have so many advertisement. Another reason is because sometimes they are very busy and they just need more people. Number of applicants depends on the position, i.e., some position quite popular then maybe up to 30 and it is normally around 15. For some hard position, they maybe only get 5 people interested.

Now they are advertising for a Front Office Manager which the job group we focused. They have about 10 applications at the moment from the web and about 6 applications from Employment Recruitment ...
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