Human Resource Management And Culture

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Human Resource Management and Culture

Human Resource Management and Culture

Importance of Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management (HRM) is the most important and integral part of any organization. The way a HR department runs, deeply affects the whole organization (Armstrong, 2006). A hefty part of an organization's growth depends on the Human Resource department as they are responsible for recruiting the people who are suitable for the job. An organization needs talented and skilled people to drive their company towards success, and for that, the organization needs a capable and talented HR team. If a company has a flexible, highly skilled and strong management and workforce then it will surely be successful. Similarly, the role of women in organizational development cannot be denied as women are as hard-working as men and equally contribute in the development of organizations (Armstrong, 2006).

Further, it is also a fact that, if the HR department fails to hire suitable employees and they also fail to see the problems of the company, then many problems are faced by the company. These problems will continue to increase if they are not dealt with immediately and properly. The company can face lose and conflicts because of the mismanagement of the HR department (Armstrong, 2006). Even if one department is in conflict, the whole company suffers. HR is one of the most versatile and hardest working functions of any organization.

Management of Workforce

Organizations employ people to make their business vision possible as the effective use of human resource plays a major role in the development of organization as well as reaching competitiveness (Golding, 2010). In addition, women have proved to be equal workforce after the industrialization era and should be employed as well as managed in an efficient way. The HRM of the organization manages the workforce in the following ways:

Employee Development

For the development of women employees, they should be given proper training and coaching. They should be motivated and encouraged at each step of the process. The most important thing in the employee development is communication, working together as a team and trusting each other (Renesch, 2002). The HRM can help ensure that proper training, coaching and seminars are conducted to further develop the employees of the organization.

The employees - men, women - need to have faith and trust in each other. They have to respect each other ideas and suggestions. They members of this events team ought to be encouraged to build help build self esteem of each other and support one another. For this, they should be assign tasks together, when those tasks are completed, they will share a sense of accomplishment and sense of unity among themselves which will help in building trust and faith in one another. When the team members help and encourage each other, they will automatically start working as one and will accomplish their tasks in easily and efficiently. For this purpose, an effective HRM designs and implement team building and training tasks to ensure that the employees perform their ...
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