Human Papillomavirus (Hpv)

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Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Section 1

The article chosen for review is Human Papillomavirus: Epidemiology and Public Health written by Mark Schiffman, and Philip E. Castle and published in 2003 in Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.

Section 2

This article is takes a detailed look at Human Papillomavirus. It discusses in detail the following:

the transmission and acquisition of HPV, male carrier, prevalence of HPV infection, persistence versus clearance, microscopic abnormalities, progression to pre-cancer risk of invasion, public awareness HPV vaccines

Section 3

Human papillomavirus causes warts. Warts are skin cancer forests whose appearance depends on where they grow. There are different types of warts: seed (or total), warts, plantar warts, flat warts, genital warts and some more.

Common warts tend to grow on the fingers, around nails and the backs of their hands. They are more common where skin has been breached, for example, when the nails are bitten or hangnails collected. They are often referred to as "seed" warts because the blood vessels in the wart production of black dots that look like seeds (American Academy of Dermatology, 2000). Another type of HPV, as on the soles of the feet and is called plantar warts. When plantar warts grow in clusters known as mosaic warts. How common warts, these warts may have black dots. Plantar warts are aching. They may be flat in appearance, like to walk normally crush the head of the wart.

There is another type called flat warts. These warts appear in groups, and most common among children. Men may experience these warts in the beard area due to skin sensitivity from shaving . The most fear inspiring type of human papilloma virus appears in the genital area, both men and women. Called genital warts, they are often regarded as a sign of unseemliness or unclean practices. Nevertheless, it ...
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