Influence of Heredity and Environment on Development
All people living in this world have inherited genes and are influenced by some environmental factors and continuously burgeoning. Development is part of life. Development can be defined as the pattern of change that begins at conception and continues throughout the human life. This development process gets influenced by scores of factors. The process of development is mainly influenced by the nature, heritage or the environment. The relationship between the process of development and heredity and environment is a constant link that goes hand in hand. This relationship of development with heritage and environment is the determinant of behavior of a being and what will an individual be. This paper talks about the influence of heredity and environment on the process of development from variegated aspects.
One of the interpretations of the relationship between heredity and environment is the theory of joint contribution. According to this view, heredity and environment affect the behavioral development and outcome of behavioral properties can be viewed as the result of their joint effect. There is no dispute that the behavior is determined by heredity, and the environment, but the theory of joint contribution argues that these factors rarely appear by themselves. This assumption underlies the attempts to determine the ratio between the contribution of heredity and environment to the development of specific behavioral properties in an individual. The following part of the paper discusses the role of heredity and environment on the development of a human being.
Role of Heredity on Development
Since adoption order is the primary determinant of behavior and personality of an individual. Environment can be considered as the second determinant of personality and behavior of an individual. By paying emphasis on the heritage, we can infer that genes determine the inherited characteristics. Not only the physical features, visible and tangible are inherited from parents, also; the intellectual level and various physical and biological problems such as hereditary diseases, allergies and attitudes come in every generation transcending patterns of inheritance. Heritage, according to biological studies, is the chromosome of each of us. It is the process by which the human being creates new beings like themselves, through the transmission of characters of ancestors to descendants (Carol and Elizabeth, 2008). During our human development, there are four potential developmental aspects, and they are transferred by inheritance. These four developmental aspects from the perspective of heritage are as follows:
Physical development: The evolution of an individual, growth, nutrition and physical care
Mental Development: Thought process, educational development
Emotional Development: The psyche of the individual, their feelings, desires
Social Development: Relationships with others and society
Differences between people are mediated by differences between their embryonic cells from which they were born. Individual development is a process of constant change and acceleration. Genes have an important temporal dimension in their actions because they act at a time certain and not in others. The development is a complex biopsychosocial process, in which there emerge the character, the trial value systems, ...