Hrm Contribution To Employees

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HRM contribution to Employees

Workforce Management: Human Resource Management


The human resource management (HRM) is a set of practices of management aimed at mobilizing and developing human resources for greater performance of the organization. This activity should aim to improve cross-communication, while upholding the organization of the company. Human resource management is an organizational function, focused on mobilizing and developing human resources for performance and accomplishment of organizational objectives. It helps an organization to anticipate and assemble changing needs related to the acquisition, deployment, and utilization of human resource. The management of human resources is finally co-head of production and quality management. The process of human resource management encompasses all active members of the company that include general management and control tasks, employees with the negotiation of contract and staff representatives (Spicer, 2006, 214).

Activities To Improve The Quality Of Human Resource Management

Today, most progressive companies recognize that human resource management plays a key role in developing a viable, competitive strategy. Cadillac, for example, in 1987 recognized the need to integrate human resource plans with their quality processes, when the executive staff instructed the human resources staff to design a personal strategy to support the business plan and quality. The ability to deliver a value-added service requires superior performance in eight areas (Sammeni, 2002, 98).

Recruitment and retention of people

In assessing the skills and motivation to the recruitment, we make sure to have adequate staff in number and qualification. Acquisition of Human Resources is defined as the management of employment and recruitment programs, plans, careers, change and advancement, job analysis and evaluation of individuals. Its objective is to provide the association and availability of skilled human resources and placement of workers to the position which best suits them. It facilitates the organization to maximize the use of human resources. It includes the role of identifying, recruiting, recruit and retains members of a team.


To improve the skill level of employees, but also to improve motivation (training can be a rewarding, and it is often more rewarding to do work that we know how). Training is one of the initial costs in a total quality initiative. So not surprisingly, is something many companies whose investment reluctant. Even if, they make the investment, often are very careful to measure the benefits compared to costs. Training usually includes the awareness regarding the quality, leadership, project management, communication, teamwork, problem solving, interpretation and use to give you, compliance with customer requirements, process analysis, process simplification, waste reduction, reduced cycle time, eliminate errors and other issues affecting the effectiveness, efficiency and employee safety.

Training plans should be based on the needs of the job skills and strategic initiatives of the company. Major companies have formal training departments, whose systems and procedures have evolved along with their overall quality. In some, managers train their workers directly from top to bottom (Luthans, 2004, 9).

Continuing Education

These incentives are intended to convey to the employee that his interest is to do the best job ...
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