How To Be A Good Manager

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How To Be A Good Manager


People who assume managerial performance of an organization are called "managers" and are responsible for directing the activities that help organizations to achieve their goals. The foundation of a skilful manager is a measure of the efficiency and effectiveness that it has to exhibit while, accomplishing organizational goals (Pillai, pp. 21). It is the ability to minimize the resources used to achieve the objectives of the organization and the ability to determine appropriate goals.

Imagination and Creativity

Today, a person needs a lot of creativity and imagination to achieve favourable results, either economically or personally, as the implementation of the prevailing globalization has resulted in a close race, to reach the top of any business. Which, to a large extent, is very healthy, because this way forces people to seek a better academic preparation as reflected in a higher quality of work, which, in turn, reflected in a product end of exceptional quality.


Today, many entrepreneurs lack the vision, which is why most businesses fail. It is also true that it is very difficult to start from scratch and maintain a vision, but it is not impossible. To do this, we must begin by applying the first rule of this ABC: imagination and creativity. Many, large companies today began marketing a product or products which, in turn were fashionable, but also introduced one or more products that nobody knew and it did not originally reported large profits and a big hit last time benefits. This is what classified as a vision, and it is not easy to achieve. A recent example can be seen in the company ATT (Gualco, pp. 67). The communications giant had a vision of a large capital investment in the research of cell phones, however, when he was accused of monopolistic practices did not have ...
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