The One - Minute Manager

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The One - Minute Manager

The One - Minute Manager



The book “The One - Minute Manager” is the work of a person who searches the great manager globally, the book informs about being one and how to be the one and work effectively, mostly the workplaces he had been did not provide him with the best or the superlative inspiration that impressed him to work and be a manager for that particular firm. In his entire search he met the managers who were rigid in nature hard to deal with, the one employee's are not satisfied with. One the other hand he also met those managers who were loyal to their positions, treated their employees, staff and the lower or bottom level employees in a polite and attentive enough manner to maintain the tag of manager that holds the positive nature attributes. He kept on searching for the great manager and comprehends his study according to the experiences he had and evaluated the philosophy of good management that consistent of a good manager.

Meanwhile he came across several of managers who were performing their responsibilities according to themselves only, he was also in a search of a great manager with the qualities of a rigid as well as flexible in the employees context, surprisingly he heard that in nearby region there is this manager who work with the principles of ironic methods when dealing with his employees. Surprisingly that manager agrees to meet him to give the information about how he supervises his people. The metaphor of “The One-Minute Manager” begins. The one minute management comprises of three main elements that need to be find when managing the human resource of the firm.

The members should be agreed on the ultimate goals of the firm, it has to be certain that whatever is assigned or designed that needs to be written on the piece of paper so that the employees are aware of what they need to do and what they are expected to do. The employees must read the instruction and plan their work according to the written instruction given, the purpose of writing the instruction on a paper is that employee remembers what they are here to do and how they can match the manager's expectations through the performance. The employees should do right things and perform their responsibilities in the right manner and if the manager catches one person doing the right things and performing the right duty, than he is praised to be rewarded with the positive feedback from his manager or the authority. Whereas if any employee has been caught doing wrong things that against to the code of conducts of the firm and that person is given a severe warning regarding the responsibilities, he must be dealt in a reproving manner so that he can realizes his mistake and strive not to act upon the mistaken activities again.


The One Minute Manager

similar to numerous ordinary intellect thoughts, it's simply common sense while you recognize it consequently the “One-Minute ...
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