Culture and language are profoundly related in that language can be used to contemplate the heritage of a particular society or the language can contemplate the culture and its world view. Language is used to express and sustain culture and cultural associations that exist in a granted society. Different ideas result from the use of distinct languages inside a culture. World outlook is a structure consisting of ideas and beliefs through which a person interprets the world around him and also the world outlook determines how the person interacts with it. World outlook can be shaped by the culture and language that is widespread in a particular society. This is because persons in a society use their language to express their culture thus expressing the world outlook in that society.
Language Reflects Culture
The connection between culture and dialect begins when one is born. This is because a progeny is exposed to the natural environment and this helps him/her to become part of his cultural team. The surroundings and the persons the progeny interacts with shape the life of a progeny, his thoughts and language. People in a humanity are not the identical both physically and psychologically and the interaction varies from one person to another and from one location to another. The behavioral patterns that are displayed by these distinct groups will vary and they may be approved or disapproved. The same behavior patterns will vary from one place to another therefore forming the foundations of various cultures. The differences in culture and behavior pattern distinct world views for a person and society. Culture is said to be the beliefs and values that are used to manage people's life in a particular society and persons use the language in the society to ...