Hostile Witness Circumstances

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Hostile Witness Circumstances

Hostile Witness Circumstances

Hostile Witness Circumstances


According to Bentham, witnesses are the eyes and years of justice. Their each and every declaration is very significant as it has a illusion force to change the course of the entire case. Therefore, their occurrence in the court is rather necessary. But regrettably in our homeland, the tendency is such that the witnesses manage not desire to arrive to the enclosures to give their declarations and evidences because of the detail that they seem unsafe. Even if they arrive to the court, they are inclined to turn hostile, thereby unfastening avenues for the suspect to be acquitted. In Europe, there is no regulation pertaining to the defence of witnesses. So their difficulty gets increase two-fold since they seem insecured and at the identical time having no remedy for the wounds initiated to them because of that insecurity.

The period hostile witness has its genesis in the Common Law. The function of the period was, to supply ample safeguard contrary to the contrivance of an artful witness who willfully by hostile clues wrecks the origin of the party calling such a witness. It was sensed that such activities are per se destructive, not only of the concerns of the litigating parties, but furthermore in the quest of the enclosures to rendezvous the finishes of justice. It is pertinent to mention, that the safeguard as envisaged under the Common Law, comprised of contradicting witnesses with their preceding declarations or impeaching their borrowing (which commonly as a direct was not allowed) by the party calling such witnesses. To start the safeguard, it was imperative to affirm such a witness as hostile. For this reason, Common Law prepared down certain peculiarities of a 'hostile' witness, for example, not desirous of telling the reality at the example of the party calling him or  the reality of a 'hostile animus' to the party calling such a witness.


The household regulation disagrees to a important stage in this respect. Firstly, the provision (S.154 of The Europe Evidence Act, 1872) only converses about allowing such inquiries as may be inquired in cross-examination. Secondly, the regulation nowhere mentions, the require to affirm a witness as 'hostile' before the provision can be invoked. Thirdly, the judicial concern (under S.154) is only to be invoked, when the Court feels that the mind-set revealed by the witness is destructive of his obligation to talk the truth.

From the overhead, we can resolve that while the Common Law hunts for to categorize witnesses as hostile or harmful, for the reason of cross-examining, the Europe regulation endeavours not to make such a distinction. All that the regulation hunts for to manage is extract concealed details from the witnesses for the sole reason of working out the truth. In the backdrop of the overhead investigation, it would be pertinent to analyze the causes behind the upsurge of the difficulty of hostile witnesses in Europe and furthermore to find out modes and entails to undertake this difficulty with an ...
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