The humanistic art of providing accommodation and food in return of something is called hospitality, whereas; an industry is the set of firms providing some services for commercial purpose. The term hospital industry means the act of providing lodging and food along with other luxuries in return of money is called hospitality industry. The basic purpose of hospitality industry is to provide catering and accommodation services to the tourist or visitors British Council. Waitt highlighting the importance of the industry states that by the beginning of the 21st century growth is visible in the tourism industry as a result of the increase the industry of hospitality has also seen rapid development. With growing interest of investors and scholars the industry has witnessed rapid growth in both the sectors that is business and research. The main functions of the industry are very easy to understand but what purpose does the industry serves is another major factor that discloses the importance of the industry as Scanlon stated that hospitality industry is one of the major contributors of economy which also reflects the image of the country besides generating revenue for the host country (Hepple & Thomson, 1990).
On the other hand, tourism is known as the set of activities performed by individuals who are traveling to and staying in places different from their usual environment for a limited period of time. Tourist activity is usually done for purposes of recreation, although there are also different uses of tourism mainly for business. According to the definition formulated by the World Tourist Organization (WTO), tourism is “the activities of those who travel and stay in places other than their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, work and other reasons.” The tourist, therefore, is the one who goes to another place because of personal reason or that is sent by someone (e.g. a company). Tourists who travel for business can go to a place to participate in conferences, workshops or training courses. Tourists who travel for personal interests may come in a spirit of adventure, recreation, education, pilgrimage or for other purposes. However, there is a close relationship between both the industries, as tourists are the main customers for hospitality industry and from the tourists' hospitality industry generate revenues. This paper will discuss hospitality provision in travel and tourism, and will be distributed in five different tasks as this paper will discuss each of the following tasks individually in order to provide concrete arguments on hospitality provision in travel and tourism (Aramberri, 2001).
Task 1- Will discuss, explain and justify the interrelationship between hospitality and wider travel and tourism business.
Task 2- Will analyze, explain and justify the implication of integration of the hospitality industry.
Task 3- Will discuss, explain and justify how integration has affected a hospitality business.
Task 4- Will develop, explain and justify a rationale for a selected project clearly justifying decisions linked to target ...