Hormonal Imbalance

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS and Hormonal Imbalance

Research Statement

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): the most mysterious and difficult of all problems facing the gynecologist and endocrinologist in their practice. First, because of themselves, polycystic ovaries is not a disease but a syndrome, that is, a set of different disorders, and even disease from ovarian dysfunction to diabetes and cancer of the uterus. All this from the same patient, also with polycystic ovaries may be infertility, miscarriage, obesity, acne and hirsute. Since the manifestations of polycystic ovaries are extremely different in different patients, the gynecologists, endocrinologists have decided to consider only the principal diagnosis for ovarian dysfunction (extended menstrual cycle or delayed menstruation); elevated levels of male hormones (androgens), increased growth of hair on the male type, acne; and enlarged ovaries with multiple small cysts on ultrasound.

This research aims at highlighting the facts and statistics about the Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the causes of Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and to provide a guideline to women facing Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The secondary goal of this research is to provide insights to healthcare professionals regarding Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Methodology and Theoretic Focus

This research is done through analysis of information and statistics available in different previous researches and assessment of observations of different authors is done. However several observations and theories of other authors are reported separately.

Limitations of the Research

This research is limited to availability of information about Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hormonal imbalance in previous researches and on other online sources.

Description of Research

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

This list is not infertility. Attention! If your physician diagnose you with polycystic ovarian syndrome and tells you that you will do not ever be able to get pregnant, it is not so! Many women with polycystic ovaries, infertility is not, however, other problems they are.

In women with PCOS tend to have problems in acolyte maturation process. This is because the broken relationships in the work of hormones. There is no underlying condition - Flasher, well-established work of the entire control system from the brain. Therefore, the ovaries do not produce hormones necessary for full maturation of the follicles, and they stop in their development. It is as if you sow the seeds into the ground, already at the seedling height of 1-2 cm, have seen what goes into growth, and which will die. In PCOS, most die. Follicles may start to grow and accumulate the fluid inside, but none of them ripe completely. Some follicles may well remain in the form of tiny cysts. Since there are no mature eggs, there is no ovulation, and the second phase of the menstrual cycle and the hormone progesterone. There is a vicious circle. In polycystic ovaries in large amounts are produced by male hormones that disrupt ovulation, preventing the eggs to grow and cause thickening of the outer membrane of ovaries. Ovulation in the polycystic ovaries cannot happen yet because their outer shell is very thick and dense, and the follicle is simply not strong enough ...
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